This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Authoring scientific publications with R Markdown

The goal of these lessons is to familiarize learners with using Rmarkdown to create scientific publications that include the output of R lang code, data processes, and data visualizations.


RStudio installed and some experience using RStudio.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Why R Markdown? What is reproducible research?
How can R Markdown help research to be more reproducible?
What are the benefits of using R Markdown?
00:20 2. Getting Started with R Markdown How to find your way around RStudio?
How to start an R Markdown document in Rstudio?
How is an R Markdown document configured & what is our workflow?
00:45 3. R Markdown Syntax: Headings & Lists How does markdown in R compare to markdown in other programs?
How to create headings and sub-headings in R Markdown?
How to create bulleted and numbered lists in R Markdown?
01:15 4. R Markdown Syntax: Hyperlinks, Images & Tables How do I create hyperlinks in R Markdown?
How do I insert images or tables into R Markdown?
How do I resize images?
01:35 5. R Markdown Syntax: Emphasis, Formulas & Footnotes How do I emphasize text in an R Markdown document?
How do I add LaTex formulas?
How can I make superscript text?
How can we add footnotes?
01:55 6. R Markdown Syntax: Citations & Bibliography How to include citations?
How to create a list of references?
How to apply different citation styles?
02:25 7. Finding & Applying Existing Journal Templates What is the advantage of using the rtciles package?
How to find existing journal templates?
02:35 8. Knitr Syntax: Inline Code & Code Chunks What is “Knitr”?
When would I want to add inline code?
How to add inline code?
When would I want to use code chunks?
How do I add code chunks?
03:30 9. Knitr Syntax: Styling Code Outputs How do I make better styled tables in R Markdown?
How do I add captions to code generated figures?
How do I consistently size and align images and figures?
How do I cross reference figures & tables?
04:10 10. Publishing a Report How to change the output folder for your rendered document?
How to publish your report on RPubs?
How to use Github to publish your document as a webpage?
04:40 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.