Content from Introduction to R and RStudio

Last updated on 2024-09-27 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 45 minutes



  • Why should you use R and RStudio?
  • How do you get started working in R and RStudio?


  • Understand the difference between R and RStudio
  • Describe the purpose of the different RStudio panes
  • Organize files and directories into R Projects
  • Use the RStudio help interface to get help with R functions
  • Be able to format questions to get help in the broader R community

What are R and RStudio?

R refers to a programming language as well as the software that runs R code.

RStudio is a software interface that can make it easier to write R scripts and interact with the R software. It’s a very popular platform, and RStudio also maintains the tidyverse series of packages we will use in this lesson.

Why learn R?

You can walk through this analogy if you want, or skip over it if you don’t find it useful.

You’re working on a project when your advisor suggests that you begin working with one of their long-time collaborators. According to your advisor, this collaborator is very talented, but only speaks a language that you don’t know. Your advisor assures you that this is ok, the collaborator won’t judge you for starting to learn the language, and will happily answer your questions. However, the collaborator is also quite pedantic. While they don’t mind that you don’t speak their language fluently yet, they are always going to answer you quite literally.

You decide to reach out to the collaborator. You find that they email you back very quickly, almost immediately most of the time. Since you’re just learning their language, you often make mistakes. Sometimes, they tell you that you’ve made a grammatical error or warn you that what you asked for doesn’t make a lot of sense. Sometimes these warnings are difficult to understand, because you don’t really have a grasp of the underlying grammar. Sometimes you get an answer back, with no warnings, but you realize that it doesn’t make sense, because what you asked for isn’t quite what you wanted. Since this collaborator responds almost immediately, without tiring, you can quickly reformulate your question and send it again.

In this way, you begin to learn the language your collaborator speaks, as well as the particular way they think about your work. Eventually, the two of you develop a good working relationship, where you understand how to ask them questions effectively, and how to work through any issues in communication that might arise.

This collaborator’s name is R.

When you send commands to R, you get a response back. Sometimes, when you make mistakes, you will get back a nice, informative error message or warning. However, sometimes the warnings seem to reference a much “deeper” level of R than you’re familiar with. Or, even worse, you may get the wrong answer with no warning because the command you sent is perfectly valid, but isn’t what you actually want. While you may first have some success working with R by memorizing certain commands or reusing other scripts, this is akin to using a collection of tourist phrases or pre-written statements when having a conversation. You might make a mistake (like getting directions to the library when you need a bathroom), and you are going to be limited in your flexibility (like furiously paging through a tourist guide looking for the term for “thrift store”).

This is all to say that we are going to spend a bit of time digging into some of the more fundamental aspects of the R language, and these concepts may not feel as immediately useful as, say, learning to make plots with ggplot2. However, learning these more fundamental concepts will help you develop an understanding of how R thinks about data and code, how to interpret error messages, and how to flexibly expand your skills to new situations.

R does not involve lots of pointing and clicking, and that’s a good thing

Since R is a programming language, the results of your analysis do not rely on remembering a succession of pointing and clicking, but instead on a series of written commands, and that’s a good thing! So, if you want to redo your analysis because you collected more data, you don’t have to remember which button you clicked in which order to obtain your results; you just have to run your script again.

Working with scripts makes the steps you used in your analysis clear, and the code you write can be inspected by someone else who can give you feedback and spot mistakes.

Working with scripts forces you to have a deeper understanding of what you are doing, and facilitates your learning and comprehension of the methods you use.

R code is great for reproducibility

Reproducibility is when someone else (including your future self) can obtain the same results from the same dataset when using the same analysis.

R integrates with other tools to generate manuscripts from your code. If you collect more data, or fix a mistake in your dataset, the figures and the statistical tests in your manuscript are updated automatically.

An increasing number of journals and funding agencies expect analyses to be reproducible, so knowing R will give you an edge with these requirements.

R is interdisciplinary and extensible

With tens of thousands of packages that can be installed to extend its capabilities, R provides a framework that allows you to combine statistical approaches from many scientific disciplines to best suit the analytical framework you need to analyze your data. For instance, R has packages for image analysis, GIS, time series, population genetics, and a lot more.

R works on data of all shapes and sizes

The skills you learn with R scale easily with the size of your dataset. Whether your dataset has hundreds or millions of lines, it won’t make much difference to you.

R is designed for data analysis. It comes with special data structures and data types that make handling of missing data and statistical factors convenient.

R can read data from many different file types, including geospatial data, and connect to local and remote databases.

R produces high-quality graphics

R has well-developed plotting capabilities, and the ggplot2 package is one of, if not the most powerful pieces of plotting software available today. We will begin learning to use ggplot2 in the next episode.

R has a large and welcoming community

Thousands of people use R daily. Many of them are willing to help you through mailing lists and websites such as Stack Overflow, or on the RStudio community.

Since R is very popular among researchers, most of the help communities and learning materials are aimed towards other researchers. Python is a similar language to R, and can accomplish many of the same tasks, but is widely used by software developers and software engineers, so Python resources and communities are not as oriented towards researchers.

Not only is R free, but it is also open-source and cross-platform

Anyone can inspect the source code to see how R works. Because of this transparency, there is less chance for mistakes, and if you (or someone else) find some, you can report and fix bugs.

We will use the RStudio integrated development environment (IDE) to write code into scripts, run code in R, navigate files on our computer, inspect objects we create in R, and look at the plots we make. RStudio has many other features that can help with things like version control, developing R packages, and writing Shiny apps, but we won’t cover those in the workshop.

Screenshot of RStudio showing the 4 "panes".

In the above screenshot, we can see 4 “panes” in the default layout:

  • Top-Left: the Source pane that displays scripts and other files.
    • If you only have 3 panes, and the Console pane is in the top left, press Shift+Cmd+N (Mac) or Shift+Ctrl+N (Windows) to open a blank R script, which should make the Source pane appear.
  • Top-Right: the Environment/History pane, which shows all the objects in your current R session (Environment) and your command history (History)
    • there are some other tabs here, including Connections, Build, Tutorial, and possibly Git
    • we won’t cover any of the other tabs, but RStudio has lots of other useful features
  • Bottom-Left: the Console pane, where you can interact directly with an R console, which interprets R commands and prints the results
    • There are also tabs for Terminal and Jobs
  • Bottom-Right: the Files/Plots/Help/Viewer pane to navigate files or view plots and help pages

You can customize the layout of these panes, as well as many settings such as RStudio color scheme, font, and even keyboard shortcuts. You can access these settings by going to the menu bar, then clicking on Tools → Global Options.

RStudio puts most of the things you need to work in R into a single window, and also includes features like keyboard shortcuts, autocompletion of code, and syntax highlighting (different types of code are colored differently, making it easier to navigate your code).

Getting set up in RStudio

It is a good practice to organize your projects into self-contained folders right from the start, so we will start building that habit now. A well-organized project is easier to navigate, more reproducible, and easier to share with others. Your project should start with a top-level folder that contains everything necessary for the project, including data, scripts, and images, all organized into sub-folders.

RStudio provides a “Projects” feature that can make it easier to work on individual projects in R. We will create a project that we will keep everything for this workshop.

  1. Start RStudio (you should see a view similar to the screenshot above).
  2. In the top right, you will see a blue 3D cube and the words “Project: (None)”. Click on this icon.
  3. Click New Project from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click New Directory, then New Project.
  5. Type out a name for the project, we recommend R-Ecology-Workshop.
  6. Put it in a convenient location using the “Create project as a subdirectory of:” section. We recommend your Desktop. You can always move the project somewhere else later, because it will be self-contained.
  7. Click Create Project and your new project will open.

Next time you open RStudio, you can click that 3D cube icon, and you will see options to open existing projects, like the one you just made.

One of the benefits to using RStudio Projects is that they automatically set the working directory to the top-level folder for the project. The working directory is the folder where R is working, so it views the location of all files (including data and scripts) as being relative to the working directory. You may come across scripts that include something like setwd("/Users/YourUserName/MyCoolProject"), which directly sets a working directory. This is usually much less portable, since that specific directory might not be found on someone else’s computer (they probably don’t have the same username as you). Using RStudio Projects means we don’t have to deal with manually setting the working directory.

There are a few settings we will need to adjust to improve the reproducibility of our work. Go to your menu bar, then click Tools → Global Options to open up the Options window.

Screenshot of the RStudio Global Options, with "Restore .RData into workspace at startup" unchecked, and "Save workspace to .RData on exit" set to "Never".

Make sure your settings match those highlighted in yellow. We don’t want RStudio to store the current status of our R session and reload it the next time we start R. This might sound convenient, but for the sake of reproducibility, we want to start with a clean, empty R session every time we work. That means that we have to record everything we do into scripts, save any data we need into files, and store outputs like images as files. We want to get used to everything we generate in a single R session being disposable. We want our scripts to be able to regenerate things we need, other than “raw materials” like data.

Organizing your project directory

If you are teaching remotely and sharing only the RStudio window, the new windows that pop up while creating folders will not be shared via Zoom. You can switch to sharing your entire screen, which will allow learners to see the popup windows.

Using a consistent folder structure across all your new projects will help keep a growing project organized, and make it easy to find files in the future. This is especially beneficial if you are working on multiple projects, since you will know where to look for particular kinds of files.

We will use a basic structure for this workshop, which is often a good place to start, and can be extended to meet your specific needs. Here is a diagram describing the structure:

└── scripts
└── data
│    └── cleaned
│    └── raw
└─── images
└─── documents

Within our project folder (R-Ecology-Workshop), we first have a scripts folder to hold any scripts we write. We also have a data folder containing cleaned and raw subfolders. In general, you want to keep your raw data completely untouched, so once you put data into that folder, you do not modify it. Instead, you read it into R, and if you make any modifications, you write that modified file into the cleaned folder. We also have an images folder for plots we make, and a documents folder for any other documents you might produce.

Let’s start making our new folders. Go to the Files pane (bottom right), and check the current directory, highlighted in yellow below. You should be in the directory for the project you just made, in our case R-Ecology-Workshop. You shouldn’t see any folders in here yet.

RStudio Files pane with current directory path highlighted.

Next, click the New Folder button, and type in scripts to generate your scripts folder. It should appear in the Files list now. Repeat the process to make your data, images, and documents folders. Then, click on the data folder in the Files pane. This will take you into the data folder, which will be empty. Use the New Folder button to create raw and cleaned folders. To return to the R-Ecology-Workshop folder, click on it in the file path, which is highlighted in yellow in the previous image. It’s worth noting that the Files pane helps you create, find, and open files, but moving through your files won’t change where the working directory of your project is.

Working in R and RStudio

The basis of programming is that we write down instructions for the computer to follow, and then we tell the computer to follow those instructions. We write these instructions in the form of code, which is a common language that is understood by the computer and humans (after some practice). We call these instructions commands, and we tell the computer to follow the instructions by running (also called executing) the commands.

Console vs. script

You can run commands directly in the R console, or you can write them into an R script. It may help to think of working in the console vs. working in a script as something like cooking. The console is like making up a new recipe, but not writing anything down. You can carry out a series of steps and produce a nice, tasty dish at the end. However, because you didn’t write anything down, it’s harder to figure out exactly what you did, and in what order.

Writing a script is like taking nice notes while cooking- you can tweak and edit the recipe all you want, you can come back in 6 months and try it again, and you don’t have to try to remember what went well and what didn’t. It’s actually even easier than cooking, since you can hit one button and the computer “cooks” the whole recipe for you!

An additional benefit of scripts is that you can leave comments for yourself or others to read. Lines that start with # are considered comments and will not be interpreted as R code.


  • The R console is where code is run/executed
  • The prompt, which is the > symbol, is where you can type commands
  • By pressing Enter, R will execute those commands and print the result.
  • You can work here, and your history is saved in the History pane, but you can’t access it in the future


  • A script is a record of commands to send to R, preserved in a plain text file with a .R extension
  • You can make a new R script by clicking File → New File → R Script, clicking the green + button in the top left corner of RStudio, or pressing Shift+Cmd+N (Mac) or Shift+Ctrl+N (Windows). It will be unsaved, and called “Untitled1”
  • If you type out lines of R code in a script, you can send them to the R console to be evaluated
    • Cmd+Enter (Mac) or Ctrl+Enter (Windows) will run the line of code that your cursor is on
    • If you highlight multiple lines of code, you can run all of them by pressing Cmd+Enter (Mac) or Ctrl+Enter (Windows)
    • By preserving commands in a script, you can edit and rerun them quickly, save them for later, and share them with others
    • You can leave comments for yourself by starting a line with a #


Let’s try running some code in the console and in a script. First, click down in the Console pane, and type out 1+1. Hit Enter to run the code. You should see your code echoed, and then the value of 2 returned.

Now click into your blank script, and type out 1+1. With your cursor on that line, hit Cmd+Enter (Mac) or Ctrl+Enter (Windows) to run the code. You will see that your code was sent from the script to the console, where it returned a value of 2, just like when you ran your code directly in the console.

Key Points

  • R is a programming language and software used to run commands in that language
  • RStudio is software to make it easier to write and run code in R
  • Use R Projects to keep your work organized and self-contained
  • Write your code in scripts for reproducibility and portability

Content from Data visualization with ggplot2

Last updated on 2024-10-09 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 94 minutes



  • How do you make plots using R?
  • How do you customize and modify plots?


  • Produce scatter plots and boxplots using ggplot2.
  • Represent data variables with plot components.
  • Modify the scales of plot components.
  • Iteratively build and modify ggplot2 plots by adding layers.
  • Change the appearance of existing ggplot2 plots using premade and customized themes.
  • Describe what faceting is and apply faceting in ggplot2.
  • Save plots as image files.


We are going to be using functions from the ggplot2 package to create visualizations of data. Functions are predefined bits of code that automate more complicated actions. R itself has many built-in functions, but we can access many more by loading other packages of functions and data into R.

If you don’t have a blank, untitled script open yet, go ahead and open one with Shift+Cmd+N (Mac) or Shift+Ctrl+N (Windows). Then save the file to your scripts/ folder, and title it workshop_code.R.

Earlier, you had to install the ggplot2 package by running install.packages("ggplot2"). That installed the package onto your computer so that R can access it. In order to use it in our current session, we have to load the package using the library() function.


If you do not have ggplot2 installed, you can run install.packages("ggplot2") in the console.

It is a good practice not to put install.packages() into a script. This is because every time you run that whole script, the package will be reinstalled, which is typically unnecessary. You want to install the package to your computer once, and then load it with library() in each script where you need to use it.



Later we will learn how to read data from external files into R, but for now we are going to use a clean and ready-to-use dataset that is provided by the ratdat data package. To make our dataset available, we need to load this package too.



The ratdat package contains data from the Portal Project, which is a long-term dataset from Portal, Arizona, in the Chihuahuan desert.

We will be using a dataset called complete_old, which contains older years of survey data. Let’s try to learn a little bit about the data. We can use a ? in front of the name of the dataset, which will bring up the help page for the data.



Here we can read descriptions of each variable in our data.

To actually take a look at the data, we can use the View() function to open an interactive viewer, which behaves like a simplified version of a spreadsheet program. It’s a handy function, but somewhat limited when trying to view large datasets.



If you hover over the tab for the interactive View(), you can click the “x” that appears, which will close the tab.

We can find out more about the dataset by using the str() function to examine the structure of the data.




tibble [16,878 × 13] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ record_id      : int [1:16878] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ month          : int [1:16878] 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
 $ day            : int [1:16878] 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ...
 $ year           : int [1:16878] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 ...
 $ plot_id        : int [1:16878] 2 3 2 7 3 1 2 1 1 6 ...
 $ species_id     : chr [1:16878] "NL" "NL" "DM" "DM" ...
 $ sex            : chr [1:16878] "M" "M" "F" "M" ...
 $ hindfoot_length: int [1:16878] 32 33 37 36 35 14 NA 37 34 20 ...
 $ weight         : int [1:16878] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ genus          : chr [1:16878] "Neotoma" "Neotoma" "Dipodomys" "Dipodomys" ...
 $ species        : chr [1:16878] "albigula" "albigula" "merriami" "merriami" ...
 $ taxa           : chr [1:16878] "Rodent" "Rodent" "Rodent" "Rodent" ...
 $ plot_type      : chr [1:16878] "Control" "Long-term Krat Exclosure" "Control" "Rodent Exclosure" ...

str() will tell us how many observations/rows (obs) and variables/columns we have, as well as some information about each of the variables. We see the name of a variable (such as year), followed by the kind of variable (int for integer, chr for character), and the first 10 entries in that variable. We will talk more about different data types and structures later on.

Plotting with ggplot2

Probably worth mentioning that people often just say ggplot when referring to the package ggplot2.

ggplot2 is a powerful package that allows you to create complex plots from tabular data (data in a table format with rows and columns). The gg in ggplot2 stands for “grammar of graphics”, and the package uses consistent vocabulary to create plots of widely varying types. Therefore, we only need small changes to our code if the underlying data changes or we decide to make a box plot instead of a scatter plot. This approach helps you create publication-quality plots with minimal adjusting and tweaking.

ggplot2 is part of the tidyverse series of packages, which tend to like data in the “long” or “tidy” format, which means each column represents a single variable, and each row represents a single observation. Well-structured data will save you lots of time making figures with ggplot2. For now, we will use data that are already in this format. We start learning R by using ggplot2 because it relies on concepts that we will need when we talk about data transformation in the next lessons.

ggplot plots are built step by step by adding new layers, which allows for extensive flexibility and customization of plots.


Some languages, like Python, require certain spacing or indentation for code to run properly. This isn’t the case in R, so if you see spaces or indentation in the code from this lesson, it is to improve readability.

To build a plot, we will use a basic template that can be used for different types of plots:


ggplot(data = <DATA>, mapping = aes(<MAPPINGS>)) + <GEOM_FUNCTION>()

We use the ggplot() function to create a plot. In order to tell it what data to use, we need to specify the data argument. An argument is an input that a function takes, and you set arguments using the = sign.


ggplot(data = complete_old)

We get a blank plot because we haven’t told ggplot() which variables we want to correspond to parts of the plot. We can specify the “mapping” of variables to plot elements, such as x/y coordinates, size, or shape, by using the aes() function. We’ll also add a comment, which is any line starting with a #. It’s a good idea to use comments to organize your code or clarify what you are doing.


# adding a mapping to x and y axes
ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length))

Now we’ve got a plot with x and y axes corresponding to variables from complete_old. However, we haven’t specified how we want the data to be displayed. We do this using geom_ functions, which specify the type of geometry we want, such as points, lines, or bars. We can add a geom_point() layer to our plot by using the + sign. We indent onto a new line to make it easier to read, and we have to end the first line with the + sign.


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +


Warning: Removed 3081 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

You may notice a warning that missing values were removed. If a variable necessary to make the plot is missing from a given row of data (in this case, hindfoot_length or weight), it can’t be plotted. ggplot2 just uses a warning message to let us know that some rows couldn’t be plotted.


Warning messages are one of a few ways R will communicate with you. Warnings can be thought of as a “heads up”. Nothing necessarily went wrong, but the author of that function wanted to draw your attention to something. In the above case, it’s worth knowing that some of the rows of your data were not plotted because they had missing data.

A more serious type of message is an error. Here’s an example:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +


Error in geom_poit(): could not find function "geom_poit"

As you can see, we only get the error message, with no plot, because something has actually gone wrong. This particular error message is fairly common, and it happened because we misspelled point as poit. Because there is no function named geom_poit(), R tells us it can’t find a function with that name.

Changing aesthetics

Building ggplot plots is often an iterative process, so we’ll continue developing the scatter plot we just made. You may have noticed that parts of our scatter plot have many overlapping points, making it difficult to see all the data. We can adjust the transparency of the points using the alpha argument, which takes a value between 0 and 1:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2)

We can also change the color of the points:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2, color = "blue")


Two common issues you might run into when working in R are forgetting a closing bracket or a closing quote. Let’s take a look at what each one does.

Try running the following code:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_point(color = "blue", alpha = 0.2

You will see a + appear in your console. This is R telling you that it expects more input in order to finish running the code. It is missing a closing bracket to end the geom_point function call. You can hit Esc in the console to reset it.

Something similar will happen if you run the following code:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_point(color = "blue, alpha = 0.2)

A missing quote at the end of blue means that the rest of the code is treated as part of the quote, which is a bit easier to see since RStudio displays character strings in a different color.

You will get a different error message if you run the following code:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_point(color = "blue", alpha = 0.2))

This time we have an extra closing ), which R doesn’t know what to do with. It tells you there is an unexpected ), but it doesn’t pinpoint exactly where. With enough time working in R, you will get better at spotting mismatched brackets.

Adding another variable

Let’s try coloring our points according to the sampling plot type (plot here refers to the physical area where rodents were sampled and has nothing to do with making graphs). Since we’re now mapping a variable (plot_type) to a component of the ggplot2 plot (color), we need to put the argument inside aes():


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length, color = plot_type)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2)

Challenge 1: Modifying plots

  1. Try modifying the plot so that the shape of the point varies by sex. You will set the shape the same way you set the color.

Do you think this is a good way to represent sex with these data?


ggplot(data = complete_old, 
       mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length, shape = sex)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2)

Challenge 1: Modifying plots (continued)

  1. Now try changing the plot so that the color of the points vary by year. Do you notice a difference in the color scale compared to changing color by plot type? Why do you think this happened?


ggplot(data = complete_old, 
       mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length, color = year)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2)
  • For Part 2, the color scale is different compared to using color = plot_type because plot_type and year are different variable types. plot_type is a categorical variable, so ggplot2 defaults to use a discrete color scale, whereas year is a numeric variable, so ggplot2 uses a continuous color scale.

Changing scales

The default discrete color scale isn’t always ideal: it isn’t friendly to viewers with colorblindness and it doesn’t translate well to grayscale. However, ggplot2 comes with quite a few other color scales, including the fantastic viridis scales, which are designed to be colorblind and grayscale friendly. We can change scales by adding scale_ functions to our plots:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length, color = plot_type)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) +

Scales don’t just apply to colors- any plot component that you put inside aes() can be modified with scale_ functions. Just as we modified the scale used to map plot_type to color, we can modify the way that weight is mapped to the x axis by using the scale_x_log10() function:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length, color = plot_type)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) +

One nice thing about ggplot and the tidyverse in general is that groups of functions that do similar things are given similar names. Any function that modifies a ggplot scale starts with scale_, making it easier to search for the right function.


Let’s try making a different type of plot altogether. We’ll start off with our same basic building blocks using ggplot() and aes().


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length))

This time, let’s try making a boxplot, which will have plot_type on the x axis and hindfoot_length on the y axis. We can do this by adding geom_boxplot() to our ggplot():


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +


Warning: Removed 2733 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range

Just as we colored the points before, we can color our boxplot by plot_type as well:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length, color = plot_type)) +

It looks like color has only affected the outlines of the boxplot, not the rectangular portions. This is because the color only impacts 1-dimensional parts of a ggplot: points and lines. To change the color of 2-dimensional parts of a plot, we use fill:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length, fill = plot_type)) +


One thing you may notice is that the axis labels are overlapping each other, depending on how wide your plot viewer is. One way to help make them more legible is to wrap the text. We can do that by modifying the labels for the x axis scale.

We use the scale_x_discrete() function because we have a discrete axis, and we modify the labels argument. The function label_wrap_gen() will wrap the text of the labels to make them more legible.


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length, fill = plot_type)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = label_wrap_gen(width = 10))

Adding geoms

One of the most powerful aspects of ggplot is the way we can add components to a plot in successive layers. While boxplots can be very useful for summarizing data, it is often helpful to show the raw data as well. With ggplot, we can easily add another geom_ to our plot to show the raw data.

Let’s add geom_point() to visualize the raw data. We will modify the alpha argument to help with overplotting.


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2)

Uh oh… all our points for a given x axis category fall exactly on a line, which isn’t very useful. We can shift to using geom_jitter(), which will add points with a bit of random noise added to the positions to prevent this from happening.


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2)

You may have noticed that some of our data points are now appearing on our plot twice: the outliers are plotted as black points from geom_boxplot(), but they are also plotted with geom_jitter(). Since we don’t want to represent these data multiple times in the same form (points), we can stop geom_boxplot() from plotting them. We do this by setting the outlier.shape argument to NA, which means the outliers don’t have a shape to be plotted.


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2)

Just as before, we can map plot_type to color by putting it inside aes().


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length, color = plot_type)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2)

Notice that both the color of the points and the color of the boxplot lines changed. Any time we specify an aes() mapping inside our initial ggplot() function, that mapping will apply to all our geoms.

If we want to limit the mapping to a single geom, we can put the mapping into the specific geom_ function, like this:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = plot_type), alpha = 0.2)

Now our points are colored according to plot_type, but the boxplots are all the same color. One thing you might notice is that even with alpha = 0.2, the points obscure parts of the boxplot. This is because the geom_point() layer comes after the geom_boxplot() layer, which means the points are plotted on top of the boxes. To put the boxplots on top, we switch the order of the layers:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = plot_type), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA)

Now we have the opposite problem! The white fill of the boxplots completely obscures some of the points. To address this problem, we can remove the fill from the boxplots altogether, leaving only the black lines. To do this, we set fill to NA:


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = plot_type), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA, fill = NA)

Now we can see all the raw data and our boxplots on top.

Challenge 2: Change geoms

Violin plots are similar to boxplots- try making one using plot_type and hindfoot_length as the x and y variables. Remember that all geom functions start with geom_, followed by the type of geom.

This might also be a place to test your search engine skills. It is often useful to search for R package_name stuff you want to search. So for this example we might search for R ggplot2 violin plot.


ggplot(data = complete_old, 
       mapping = aes(x = plot_type, 
                     y = hindfoot_length,
                     color = plot_type)) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_violin(fill = "white")

Challenge 2: Change geoms (continued)

For an extra challenge, , make the color of the points and outlines of the violins vary by plot_type, and set the fill of the violins to white. Try playing with the order of the layers to see what looks best.


ggplot(data = complete_old, 
       mapping = aes(x = plot_type, 
                     y = hindfoot_length,
                     color = plot_type)) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_violin(fill = "white")

Changing themes

So far we’ve been changing the appearance of parts of our plot related to our data and the geom_ functions, but we can also change many of the non-data components of our plot.

At this point, we are pretty happy with the basic layout of our plot, so we can assign it to a plot to a named object. We do this using the assignment arrow <-. What we are doing here is taking the result of the code on the right side of the arrow, and assigning it to an object whose name is on the left side of the arrow.

We will create an object called myplot. If you run the name of the ggplot2 object, it will show the plot, just like if you ran the code itself.


myplot <- ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = plot_type, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = plot_type), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA, fill = NA)



Warning: Removed 2733 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range


Warning: Removed 2733 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

This process of assigning something to an object is not specific to ggplot2, but rather a general feature of R. We will be using it a lot in the rest of this lesson. We can now work with the myplot object as if it was a block of ggplot2 code, which means we can use + to add new components to it.

We can change the overall appearance using theme_ functions. Let’s try a black-and-white theme by adding theme_bw() to our plot:


myplot + theme_bw()

As you can see, a number of parts of the plot have changed. theme_ functions usually control many aspects of a plot’s appearance all at once, for the sake of convenience. To individually change parts of a plot, we can use the theme() function, which can take many different arguments to change things about the text, grid lines, background color, and more. Let’s try changing the size of the text on our axis titles. We can do this by specifying that the axis.title should be an element_text() with size set to 14.


myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14))

Another change we might want to make is to remove the vertical grid lines. Since our x axis is categorical, those grid lines aren’t useful. To do this, inside theme(), we will change the panel.grid.major.x to an element_blank().


myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14), 
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank())

Another useful change might be to remove the color legend, since that information is already on our x axis. For this one, we will set legend.position to “none”.


myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14), 
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), 
        legend.position = "none")


Because there are so many possible arguments to the theme() function, it can sometimes be hard to find the right one. Here are some tips for figuring out how to modify a plot element:

  • type out theme(), put your cursor between the parentheses, and hit Tab to bring up a list of arguments
    • you can scroll through the arguments, or start typing, which will shorten the list of potential matches
  • like many things in the tidyverse, similar argument start with similar names
    • there are axis, legend, panel, plot, and strip arguments
  • arguments have hierarchy
    • text controls all text in the whole plot
    • axis.title controls the text for the axis titles
    • axis.title.x controls the text for the x axis title


You may have noticed that we have used 3 different approaches to getting rid of something in ggplot:

  • outlier.shape = NA to remove the outliers from our boxplot
  • panel.grid.major.x = element_blank() to remove the x grid lines
  • legend.position = "none" to remove our legend

Why are there so many ways to do what seems like the same thing?? This is a common frustration when working with R, or with any programming language. There are a couple reasons for it:

  1. Different people contribute to different packages and functions, and they may choose to do things differently.
  2. Code may appear to be doing the same thing, when the details are actually quite different. The inner workings of ggplot2 are actually quite complex, since it turns out making plots is a very complicated process! Because of this, things that seem the same (removing parts of a plot), may actually be operating on very different components or stages of the final plot.
  3. Developing packages is a highly iterative process, and sometimes things change. However, changing too much stuff can make old code break. Let’s say removing the legend was introduced as a feature of ggplot2, and then a lot of time passed before someone added the feature letting you remove outliers from geom_boxplot(). Changing the way you remove the legend, so that it’s the same as the boxplot approach, could break all of the code written in the meantime, so developers may opt to keep the old approach in place.

Changing labels

Our plot is really shaping up now. However, we probably want to make our axis titles nicer, and perhaps add a main title to the plot. We can do this using the labs() function:


myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14), 
        legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title = "Rodent size by plot type",
       x = "Plot type",
       y = "Hindfoot length (mm)")

We removed our legend from this plot, but you can also change the titles of various legends using labs(). For example, labs(color = "Plot type") would change the title of a color scale legend to “Plot type”.

Challenge 3: Customizing a plot

Modify the previous plot by adding a descriptive subtitle. Increase the font size of the plot title and make it bold.

Hint: “bold” is referred to as a font “face”


myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14), legend.position = "none",
        plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 20)) +
  labs(title = "Rodent size by plot type",
       subtitle = "Long-term dataset from Portal, AZ",
       x = "Plot type",
       y = "Hindfoot length (mm)")


One of the most powerful features of ggplot is the ability to quickly split a plot into multiple smaller plots based on a categorical variable, which is called faceting.

So far we’ve mapped variables to the x axis, the y axis, and color, but trying to add a 4th variable becomes difficult. Changing the shape of a point might work, but only for very few categories, and even then, it can be hard to tell the differences between the shapes of small points.

Instead of cramming one more variable into a single plot, we will use the facet_wrap() function to generate a series of smaller plots, split out by sex. We also use ncol to specify that we want them arranged in a single column:


myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14), 
        legend.position = "none", 
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()) +
  labs(title = "Rodent size by plot type",
       x = "Plot type",
       y = "Hindfoot length (mm)",
       color = "Plot type") +
  facet_wrap(vars(sex), ncol = 1)


Faceting comes in handy in many scenarios. It can be useful when:

  • a categorical variable has too many levels to differentiate by color (such as a dataset with 20 countries)
  • your data overlap heavily, obscuring categories
  • you want to show more than 3 variables at once
  • you want to see each category in isolation while allowing for general comparisons between categories

Exporting plots

Once we are happy with our final plot, we can assign the whole thing to a new object, which we can call finalplot.


finalplot <- myplot +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 14), 
        legend.position = "none", 
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()) +
  labs(title = "Rodent size by plot type",
       x = "Plot type",
       y = "Hindfoot length (mm)",
       color = "Plot type") +
  facet_wrap(vars(sex), ncol = 1)

After this, we can run ggsave() to save our plot. The first argument we give is the path to the file we want to save, including the correct file extension. This code will make an image called rodent_size_plots.jpg in the images/ folder of our current project. We are making a .jpg, but you can save .pdf, .tiff, and other file formats. Next, we tell it the name of the plot object we want to save. We can also specify things like the width and height of the plot in inches.


ggsave(filename = "images/rodent_size_plots.jpg", plot = finalplot,
       height = 6, width = 8)

Challenge 4: Make your own plot

Try making your own plot! You can run str(complete_old) or ?complete_old to explore variables you might use in your new plot. Feel free to use variables we have already seen, or some we haven’t explored yet.

Here are a couple ideas to get you started:

  • make a histogram of one of the numeric variables
  • try using a different color scale_
  • try changing the size of points or thickness of lines in a geom

Key Points

  • the ggplot() function initiates a plot, and geom_ functions add representations of your data
  • use aes() when mapping a variable from the data to a part of the plot
  • use scale_ functions to modify the scales used to represent variables
  • use premade theme_ functions to broadly change appearance, and the theme() function to fine-tune
  • start simple and build your plots iteratively

Content from Exploring and understanding data

Last updated on 2024-09-27 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 63 minutes



  • How does R store and represent data?


  • Explore the structure and content of data.frames
  • Understand vector types and missing data
  • Use vectors as function arguments
  • Create and convert factors
  • Understand how R assigns values to objects




The data.frame

We just spent quite a bit of time learning how to create visualizations from the complete_old data, but we did not talk much about what this complete_old thing is. It’s important to understand how R thinks about, represents, and stores data in order for us to have a productive working relationship with R.

The complete_old data is stored in R as a data.frame, which is the most common way that R represents tabular data (data that can be stored in a table format, like a spreadsheet). We can check what complete_old is by using the class() function:




[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

We can view the first few rows with the head() function, and the last few rows with the tail() function:




# A tibble: 6 × 13
  record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
      <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int> <chr>      <chr>           <int>  <int>
1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>




# A tibble: 6 × 13
  record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
      <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int> <chr>      <chr>           <int>  <int>
1     16873    12     5  1989       8 DO         M                  37     51
2     16874    12     5  1989      16 RM         F                  18     15
3     16875    12     5  1989       5 RM         M                  17      9
4     16876    12     5  1989       4 DM         M                  37     31
5     16877    12     5  1989      11 DM         M                  37     50
6     16878    12     5  1989       8 DM         F                  37     42
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

We used these functions with just one argument, the object complete_old, and we didn’t give the argument a name, like we often did with ggplot2. In R, a function’s arguments come in a particular order, and if you put them in the correct order, you don’t need to name them. In this case, the name of the argument is x, so we can name it if we want, but since we know it’s the first argument, we don’t need to.

To learn more about a function, you can type a ? in front of the name of the function, which will bring up the official documentation for that function:




Function documentation is written by the authors of the functions, so they can vary pretty widely in their style and readability. The first section, Description, gives you a concise description of what the function does, but it may not always be enough. The Arguments section defines all the arguments for the function and is usually worth reading thoroughly. Finally, the Examples section at the end will often have some helpful examples that you can run to get a sense of what the function is doing.

Another great source of information is package vignettes. Many packages have vignettes, which are like tutorials that introduce the package, specific functions, or general methods. You can run vignette(package = "package_name") to see a list of vignettes in that package. Once you have a name, you can run vignette("vignette_name", "package_name") to view that vignette. You can also use a web browser to go to where you will find a list of links to each vignette. Some packages will have their own websites, which often have nicely formatted vignettes and tutorials.

Finally, learning to search for help is probably the most useful skill for any R user. The key skill is figuring out what you should actually search for. It’s often a good idea to start your search with R or R programming. If you have the name of a package you want to use, start with R package_name.

Many of the answers you find will be from a website called Stack Overflow, where people ask programming questions and others provide answers. It is generally poor form to ask duplicate questions, so before you decide to post your own, do some thorough searching to see if it has been answered before (it likely has). If you do decide to post a question on Stack Overflow, or any other help forum, you will want to create a reproducible example or reprex. If you are asking a complicated question requiring your own data and a whole bunch of code, people probably won’t be able or willing to help you. However, if you can hone in on the specific thing you want help with, and create a minimal example using smaller, fake data, it will be much easier for others to help you. If you search how to make a reproducible example in R, you will find some great resources to help you out.

Some arguments are optional. For example, the n argument in head() specifies the number of rows to print. It defaults to 6, but we can override that by specifying a different number:


head(complete_old, n = 10)


# A tibble: 10 × 13
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int> <chr>      <chr>           <int>  <int>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

If we order them correctly, we don’t have to name either:


head(complete_old, 10)


# A tibble: 10 × 13
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int> <chr>      <chr>           <int>  <int>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

Additionally, if we name them, we can put them in any order we want:


head(n = 10, x = complete_old)


# A tibble: 10 × 13
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <int> <int> <int> <int>   <int> <chr>      <chr>           <int>  <int>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

Generally, it’s good practice to start with the required arguments, like the data.frame whose rows you want to see, and then to name the optional arguments. If you are ever unsure, it never hurts to explicitly name an argument.

Let’s get back to investigating our complete_old data.frame. We can get some useful summaries of each variable using the summary() function:




   record_id         month             day            year         plot_id
 Min.   :    1   Min.   : 1.000   Min.   : 1.0   Min.   :1977   Min.   : 1.00
 1st Qu.: 4220   1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.: 9.0   1st Qu.:1981   1st Qu.: 5.00
 Median : 8440   Median : 6.000   Median :15.0   Median :1983   Median :11.00
 Mean   : 8440   Mean   : 6.382   Mean   :15.6   Mean   :1984   Mean   :11.47
 3rd Qu.:12659   3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.:23.0   3rd Qu.:1987   3rd Qu.:17.00
 Max.   :16878   Max.   :12.000   Max.   :31.0   Max.   :1989   Max.   :24.00

  species_id            sex            hindfoot_length     weight
 Length:16878       Length:16878       Min.   : 6.00   Min.   :  4.00
 Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.: 24.00
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :35.00   Median : 42.00
                                       Mean   :31.98   Mean   : 53.22
                                       3rd Qu.:37.00   3rd Qu.: 53.00
                                       Max.   :70.00   Max.   :278.00
                                       NA's   :2733    NA's   :1692
    genus             species              taxa            plot_type
 Length:16878       Length:16878       Length:16878       Length:16878
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character


And, as we have already done, we can use str() to look at the structure of an object:




tibble [16,878 × 13] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ record_id      : int [1:16878] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ month          : int [1:16878] 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
 $ day            : int [1:16878] 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ...
 $ year           : int [1:16878] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 ...
 $ plot_id        : int [1:16878] 2 3 2 7 3 1 2 1 1 6 ...
 $ species_id     : chr [1:16878] "NL" "NL" "DM" "DM" ...
 $ sex            : chr [1:16878] "M" "M" "F" "M" ...
 $ hindfoot_length: int [1:16878] 32 33 37 36 35 14 NA 37 34 20 ...
 $ weight         : int [1:16878] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ genus          : chr [1:16878] "Neotoma" "Neotoma" "Dipodomys" "Dipodomys" ...
 $ species        : chr [1:16878] "albigula" "albigula" "merriami" "merriami" ...
 $ taxa           : chr [1:16878] "Rodent" "Rodent" "Rodent" "Rodent" ...
 $ plot_type      : chr [1:16878] "Control" "Long-term Krat Exclosure" "Control" "Rodent Exclosure" ...

We get quite a bit of useful information here. First, we are told that we have a data.frame of 16878 observations, or rows, and 13 variables, or columns.

Next, we get a bit of information on each variable, including its type (int or chr) and a quick peek at the first 10 values. You might ask why there is a $ in front of each variable. This is because the $ is an operator that allows us to select individual columns from a data.frame.

The $ operator also allows you to use tab-completion to quickly select which variable you want from a given data.frame. For example, to get the year variable, we can type complete_old$ and then hit Tab. We get a list of the variables that we can move through with up and down arrow keys. Hit Enter when you reach year, which should finish this code:




  [1] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [16] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [31] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [46] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [61] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [76] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [91] 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 16778 entries ]

What we get back is a whole bunch of numbers, the entries in the year column printed out in order.

Vectors: the building block of data

You might have noticed that our last result looked different from when we printed out the complete_old data.frame itself. That’s because it is not a data.frame, it is a vector. A vector is a 1-dimensional series of values, in this case a vector of numbers representing years.

Data.frames are made up of vectors; each column in a data.frame is a vector. Vectors are the basic building blocks of all data in R. Basically, everything in R is a vector, a bunch of vectors stitched together in some way, or a function. Understanding how vectors work is crucial to understanding how R treats data, so we will spend some time learning about them.

There are 4 main types of vectors (also known as atomic vectors):

  1. "character" for strings of characters, like our genus or sex columns. Each entry in a character vector is wrapped in quotes. In other programming languages, this type of data may be referred to as “strings”.

  2. "integer" for integers. All the numeric values in complete_old are integers. You may sometimes see integers represented like 2L or 20L. The L indicates to R that it is an integer, instead of the next data type, "numeric".

  3. "numeric", aka "double", vectors can contain numbers including decimals. Other languages may refer to these as “float” or “floating point” numbers.

  4. "logical" for TRUE and FALSE, which can also be represented as T and F. In other contexts, these may be referred to as “Boolean” data.

Vectors can only be of a single type. Since each column in a data.frame is a vector, this means an accidental character following a number, like 29, can change the type of the whole vector. Mixing up vector types is one of the most common mistakes in R, and it can be tricky to figure out. It’s often very useful to check the types of vectors.

To create a vector from scratch, we can use the c() function, putting values inside, separated by commas.


c(1, 2, 5, 12, 4)


[1]  1  2  5 12  4

As you can see, those values get printed out in the console, just like with complete_old$year. To store this vector so we can continue to work with it, we need to assign it to an object.


num <- c(1, 2, 5, 12, 4)

You can check what kind of object num is with the class() function.




[1] "numeric"

We see that num is a numeric vector.

Let’s try making a character vector:


char <- c("apple", "pear", "grape")


[1] "character"

Remember that each entry, like "apple", needs to be surrounded by quotes, and entries are separated with commas. If you do something like "apple, pear, grape", you will have only a single entry containing that whole string.

Finally, let’s make a logical vector:


logi <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)


[1] "logical"

Challenge 1: Coercion

Since vectors can only hold one type of data, something has to be done when we try to combine different types of data into one vector.

  1. What type will each of these vectors be? Try to guess without running any code at first, then run the code and use class() to verify your answers.


num_logi <- c(1, 4, 6, TRUE)
num_char <- c(1, 3, "10", 6)
char_logi <- c("a", "b", TRUE)

tricky <- c("a", "b", "1", FALSE)




[1] "numeric"




[1] "character"




[1] "character"




[1] "character"

R will automatically convert values in a vector so that they are all the same type, a process called coercion.

Challenge 1: Coercion (continued)

  1. How many values in combined_logical are "TRUE" (as a character)?


combined_logical <- c(num_logi, char_logi)




[1] "1"    "4"    "6"    "1"    "a"    "b"    "TRUE"




[1] "character"

Only one value is "TRUE". Coercion happens when each vector is created, so the TRUE in num_logi becomes a 1, while the TRUE in char_logi becomes "TRUE". When these two vectors are combined, R doesn’t remember that the 1 in num_logi used to be a TRUE, it will just coerce the 1 to "1".

Challenge 1: Coercion (continued)

  1. Now that you’ve seen a few examples of coercion, you might have started to see that there are some rules about how types get converted. There is a hierarchy to coercion. Can you draw a diagram that represents the hierarchy of what types get converted to other types?

logical → integer → numeric → character

Logical vectors can only take on two values: TRUE or FALSE. Integer vectors can only contain integers, so TRUE and FALSE can be coerced to 1 and 0. Numeric vectors can contain numbers with decimals, so integers can be coerced from, say, 6 to 6.0 (though R will still display a numeric 6 as 6.). Finally, any string of characters can be represented as a character vector, so any of the other types can be coerced to a character vector.

Coercion is not something you will often do intentionally; rather, when combining vectors or reading data into R, a stray character that you missed may change an entire numeric vector into a character vector. It is a good idea to check the class() of your results frequently, particularly if you are running into confusing error messages.

Missing data

One of the great things about R is how it handles missing data, which can be tricky in other programming languages. R represents missing data as NA, without quotes, in vectors of any type. Let’s make a numeric vector with an NA value:


weights <- c(25, 34, 12, NA, 42)

R doesn’t make assumptions about how you want to handle missing data, so if we pass this vector to a numeric function like min(), it won’t know what to do, so it returns NA:




[1] NA

This is a very good thing, since we won’t accidentally forget to consider our missing data. If we decide to exclude our missing values, many basic math functions have an argument to remove them:


min(weights, na.rm = TRUE)


[1] 12

Vectors as arguments

A common reason to create a vector from scratch is to use in a function argument. The quantile() function will calculate a quantile for a given vector of numeric values. We set the quantile using the probs argument. We also need to set na.rm = TRUE, since there are NA values in the weight column.


quantile(complete_old$weight, probs = 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)



Now we get back the 25% quantile value for weights. However, we often want to know more than one quantile. Luckily, the probs argument is vectorized, meaning it can take a whole vector of values. Let’s try getting the 25%, 50% (median), and 75% quantiles all at once.


quantile(complete_old$weight, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE)


25% 50% 75%
 24  42  53 

While the c() function is very flexible, it doesn’t necessarily scale well. If you want to generate a long vector from scratch, you probably don’t want to type everything out manually. There are a few functions that can help generate vectors.

First, putting : between two numbers will generate a vector of integers starting with the first number and ending with the last. The seq() function allows you to generate similar sequences, but changing by any amount.


# generates a sequence of integers


 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10


# with seq() you can generate sequences with a combination of:
# from: starting value
# to: ending value
# by: how much should each entry increase
# length.out: how long should the resulting vector be
seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.1)


 [1] 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0


seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 50)


 [1] 0.00000000 0.02040816 0.04081633 0.06122449 0.08163265 0.10204082
 [7] 0.12244898 0.14285714 0.16326531 0.18367347 0.20408163 0.22448980
[13] 0.24489796 0.26530612 0.28571429 0.30612245 0.32653061 0.34693878
[19] 0.36734694 0.38775510 0.40816327 0.42857143 0.44897959 0.46938776
[25] 0.48979592 0.51020408 0.53061224 0.55102041 0.57142857 0.59183673
[31] 0.61224490 0.63265306 0.65306122 0.67346939 0.69387755 0.71428571
[37] 0.73469388 0.75510204 0.77551020 0.79591837 0.81632653 0.83673469
[43] 0.85714286 0.87755102 0.89795918 0.91836735 0.93877551 0.95918367
[49] 0.97959184 1.00000000


seq(from = 0, by = 0.01, length.out = 20)


 [1] 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14
[16] 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19

Finally, the rep() function allows you to repeat a value, or even a whole vector, as many times as you want, and works with any type of vector.


# repeats "a" 12 times
rep("a", times = 12)


 [1] "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a"


# repeats this whole sequence 4 times
rep(c("a", "b", "c"), times = 4)


 [1] "a" "b" "c" "a" "b" "c" "a" "b" "c" "a" "b" "c"


# repeats each value 4 times
rep(1:10, each = 4)


 [1]  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  7
[26]  7  7  7  8  8  8  8  9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10

Challenge 2: Creating sequences

  1. Write some code to generate the following vector:


 [1] -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3


rep(-3:3, 3)


 [1] -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3


# this also works
rep(seq(from = -3, to = 3, by = 1), 3)


 [1] -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3


# you might also store the sequence as an intermediate vector

my_seq <- seq(from = -3, to = 3, by = 1)
rep(my_seq, 3)


 [1] -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3

Challenge 2: Creating sequences (continued)

  1. Calculate the quantiles for the complete_old hindfoot lengths at every 5% level (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, etc.)


         probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.05),
         na.rm = T)


  0%   5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45%  50%  55%  60%  65%  70%  75%
   6   16   17   19   20   21   22   31   33   34   35   35   36   36   36   37
 80%  85%  90%  95% 100%
  37   39   49   51   70 

Building with vectors

We have now seen vectors in a few different forms: as columns in a data.frame and as single vectors. However, they can be manipulated into lots of other shapes and forms. Some other common forms are:

  • matrices
    • 2-dimensional numeric representations
  • arrays
    • many-dimensional numeric
  • lists
    • lists are very flexible ways to store vectors
    • a list can contain vectors of many different types and lengths
    • an entry in a list can be another list, so lists can get deeply nested
    • a data.frame is a type of list where each column is an individual vector and each vector has to be the same length, since a data.frame has an entry in every column for each row
  • factors
    • a way to represent categorical data
    • factors can be ordered or unordered
    • they often look like character vectors, but behave differently
    • under the hood, they are integers with character labels, called levels, for each integer


We will spend a bit more time talking about factors, since they are often a challenging type of data to work with. We can create a factor from scratch by putting a character vector made using c() into the factor() function:


sex <- factor(c("male", "female", "female", "male", "female", NA))



[1] male   female female male   female <NA>
Levels: female male

We can inspect the levels of the factor using the levels() function:




[1] "female" "male"  

The forcats package from the tidyverse has a lot of convenient functions for working with factors. We will show you a few common operations, but the forcats package has many more useful functions.



# change the order of the levels
fct_relevel(sex, c("male", "female"))


[1] male   female female male   female <NA>
Levels: male female


# change the names of the levels
fct_recode(sex, "M" = "male", "F" = "female")


[1] M    F    F    M    F    <NA>
Levels: F M


# turn NAs into an actual factor level (useful for including NAs in plots)
fct_na_value_to_level(sex, "(Missing)")


[1] male      female    female    male      female    (Missing)
Levels: female male (Missing)

In general, it is a good practice to leave your categorical data as a character vector until you need to use a factor. Here are some reasons you might need a factor:

  1. Another function requires you to use a factor
  2. You are plotting categorical data and want to control the ordering of categories in the plot

Since factors can behave differently from character vectors, it is always a good idea to check what type of data you’re working with. You might use a new function for the first time and be confused by the results, only to realize later that it produced a factor as an output, when you thought it was a character vector.

It is fairly straightforward to convert a factor to a character vector:




[1] "male"   "female" "female" "male"   "female" NA      

However, you need to be careful if you’re somehow working with a factor that has numbers as its levels:


f_num <- factor(c(1990, 1983, 1977, 1998, 1990))

# this will pull out the underlying integers, not the levels


[1] 3 2 1 4 3


# if we first convert to characters, we can then convert to numbers


[1] 1990 1983 1977 1998 1990

Assignment, objects, and values

We’ve already created quite a few objects in R using the <- assignment arrow, but there are a few finer details worth talking about. First, let’s start with a quick challenge.

Challenge 3: Assignments and objects

What is the value of y after running the following code?


x <- 5
y <- x
x <- 10


x <- 5
y <- x
x <- 10


[1] 5

Understanding what’s going on here will help you avoid a lot of confusion when working in R. When we assign something to an object, the first thing that happens is the righthand side gets evaluated. The same thing happens when you run something in the console: if you type x into the console and hit Enter, R returns the value of x. So when we first ran the line y <- x, x first gets evaluated to the value of 5, and this gets assigned to y. The objects x and y are not actually linked to each other in any way, so when we change the value of x to 10, y is unaffected.

This also means you can run multiple nested operations, store intermediate values as separate objects, or overwrite values:


x <- 5

# first, x gets evaluated to 5
# then 5/2 gets evaluated to 2.5
# then sqrt(2.5) is evaluated


[1] 1.581139


# we can also store the evaluated value of x/2 
# in an object y before passing it to sqrt()
y <- x/2



[1] 1.581139


# first, the x on the righthand side gets evaluated to 5
# then 5 gets squared
# then the resulting value is assigned to the object x

x <- x^2



[1] 25

You will be naming a of objects in R, and there are a few common naming rules and conventions:

  • make names clear without being too long
    • wkg is probably too short
    • weight_in_kilograms is probably too long
    • weight_kg is good
  • names cannot start with a number
  • names are case sensitive
  • you cannot use the names of fundamental functions in R, like if, else, or for
    • in general, avoid using names of common functions like c, mean, etc.
  • avoid dots . in names, as they have a special meaning in R, and may be confusing to others
  • two common formats are snake_case and camelCase
  • be consistent, at least within a script, ideally within a whole project
  • you can use a style guide like Google’s or tidyverse’s

Key Points

  • functions like head(), str(), and summary() are useful for exploring data.frames
  • most things in R are vectors, vectors stitched together, or functions
  • make sure to use class() to check vector types, especially when using new functions
  • factors can be useful, but behave differently from character vectors

Content from Working with data

Last updated on 2024-09-27 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 124 minutes



  • How do you manipulate tabular data in R?


  • Import CSV data into R.
  • Understand the difference between base R and tidyverse approaches.
  • Subset rows and columns of data.frames.
  • Use pipes to link steps together into pipelines.
  • Create new data.frame columns using existing columns.
  • Utilize the concept of split-apply-combine data analysis.
  • Reshape data between wide and long formats.
  • Export data to a CSV file.



Importing data

Up until this point, we have been working with the complete_old dataframe contained in the ratdat package. However, you typically won’t access data from an R package; it is much more common to access data files stored somewhere on your computer. We are going to download a CSV file containing the surveys data to our computer, which we will then read into R.

Click this link to download the file:

You will be prompted to save the file on your computer somewhere. Save it inside the cleaned data folder, which is in the data folder in your R-Ecology-Workshop folder. Once it’s inside our project, we will be able to point R towards it.

File paths

When we reference other files from an R script, we need to give R precise instructions on where those files are. We do that using something called a file path. It looks something like this: "Documents/Manuscripts/Chapter_2.txt". This path would tell your computer how to get from whatever folder contains the Documents folder all the way to the .txt file.

There are two kinds of paths: absolute and relative. Absolute paths are specific to a particular computer, whereas relative paths are relative to a certain folder. Because we are keeping all of our work in the R-Ecology-Workshop folder, all of our paths can be relative to this folder.

Now, let’s read our CSV file into R and store it in an object named surveys. We will use the read_csv function from the tidyverse’s readr package, and the argument we give will be the relative path to the CSV file.


surveys <- read_csv("data/cleaned/surveys_complete_77_89.csv")


Rows: 16878 Columns: 13
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (6): species_id, sex, genus, species, taxa, plot_type
dbl (7): record_id, month, day, year, plot_id, hindfoot_length, weight

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.


Typing out paths can be error prone, so we can utilize a keyboard shortcut. Inside the parentheses of read_csv(), type out a pair of quotes and put your cursor between them. Then hit Tab. A small menu showing your folders and files should show up. You can use the and keys to move through the options, or start typing to narrow them down. You can hit Enter to select a file or folder, and hit Tab again to continue building the file path. This might take a bit of getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it will speed up writing file paths and reduce the number of mistakes you make.

You may have noticed a bit of feedback from R when you ran the last line of code. We got some useful information about the CSV file we read in. We can see:

  • the number of rows and columns
  • the delimiter of the file, which is how values are separated, a comma ","
  • a set of columns that were parsed as various vector types
    • the file has 6 character columns and 7 numeric columns
    • we can see the names of the columns for each type

When working with the output of a new function, it’s often a good idea to check the class():




[1] "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df"      "tbl"         "data.frame" 

Whoa! What is this thing? It has multiple classes? Well, it’s called a tibble, and it is the tidyverse version of a data.frame. It is a data.frame, but with some added perks. It prints out a little more nicely, it highlights NA values and negative values in red, and it will generally communicate with you more (in terms of warnings and errors, which is a good thing).


tidyverse vs. base R

As we begin to delve more deeply into the tidyverse, we should briefly pause to mention some of the reasons for focusing on the tidyverse set of tools. In R, there are often many ways to get a job done, and there are other approaches that can accomplish tasks similar to the tidyverse.

The phrase base R is used to refer to approaches that utilize functions contained in R’s default packages. We have already used some base R functions, such as str(), head(), and mean(), and we will be using more scattered throughout this lesson. However, there are some key base R approaches we will not be teaching. These include square bracket subsetting and base plotting. You may come across code written by other people that looks like surveys[1:10, 2] or plot(surveys$weight, surveys$hindfoot_length), which are base R commands. If you’re interested in learning more about these approaches, you can check out other Carpentries lessons like the Software Carpentry Programming with R lesson.

We choose to teach the tidyverse set of packages because they share a similar syntax and philosophy, making them consistent and producing highly readable code. They are also very flexible and powerful, with a growing number of packages designed according to similar principles and to work well with the rest of the packages. The tidyverse packages tend to have very clear documentation and wide array of learning materials that tend to be written with novice users in mind. Finally, the tidyverse has only continued to grow, and has strong support from RStudio, which implies that these approaches will be relevant into the future.

Manipulating data

One of the most important skills for working with data in R is the ability to manipulate, modify, and reshape data. The dplyr and tidyr packages in the tidyverse provide a series of powerful functions for many common data manipulation tasks.

We’ll start off with two of the most commonly used dplyr functions: select(), which selects certain columns of a data.frame, and filter(), which filters out rows according to certain criteria.


Between select() and filter(), it can be hard to remember which operates on columns and which operates on rows. select() has a c for columns and filter() has an r for rows.


To use the select() function, the first argument is the name of the data.frame, and the rest of the arguments are unquoted names of the columns you want:


select(surveys, plot_id, species_id, hindfoot_length)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 3
   plot_id species_id hindfoot_length
     <dbl> <chr>                <dbl>
 1       2 NL                      32
 2       3 NL                      33
 3       2 DM                      37
 4       7 DM                      36
 5       3 DM                      35
 6       1 PF                      14
 7       2 PE                      NA
 8       1 DM                      37
 9       1 DM                      34
10       6 PF                      20
# ℹ 16,868 more rows

The columns are arranged in the order we specified inside select().

To select all columns except specific columns, put a - in front of the column you want to exclude:


select(surveys, -record_id, -year)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 11
   month   day plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight genus     species
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>     <chr>
 1     7    16       2 NL         M                  32     NA Neotoma   albigu…
 2     7    16       3 NL         M                  33     NA Neotoma   albigu…
 3     7    16       2 DM         F                  37     NA Dipodomys merria…
 4     7    16       7 DM         M                  36     NA Dipodomys merria…
 5     7    16       3 DM         M                  35     NA Dipodomys merria…
 6     7    16       1 PF         M                  14     NA Perognat… flavus
 7     7    16       2 PE         F                  NA     NA Peromysc… eremic…
 8     7    16       1 DM         M                  37     NA Dipodomys merria…
 9     7    16       1 DM         F                  34     NA Dipodomys merria…
10     7    16       6 PF         F                  20     NA Perognat… flavus
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

select() also works with numeric vectors for the order of the columns. To select the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 10th columns, we could run the following code:


select(surveys, c(3:5, 10))


# A tibble: 16,878 × 4
     day  year plot_id genus
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
 1    16  1977       2 Neotoma
 2    16  1977       3 Neotoma
 3    16  1977       2 Dipodomys
 4    16  1977       7 Dipodomys
 5    16  1977       3 Dipodomys
 6    16  1977       1 Perognathus
 7    16  1977       2 Peromyscus
 8    16  1977       1 Dipodomys
 9    16  1977       1 Dipodomys
10    16  1977       6 Perognathus
# ℹ 16,868 more rows

You should be careful when using this method, since you are being less explicit about which columns you want. However, it can be useful if you have a data.frame with many columns and you don’t want to type out too many names.

Finally, you can select columns based on whether they match a certain criteria by using the where() function. If we want all numeric columns, we can ask to select all the columns where the class is numeric:


select(surveys, where(is.numeric))


# A tibble: 16,878 × 7
   record_id month   day  year plot_id hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2              32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3              33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2              37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7              36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3              35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1              14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2              NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1              37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1              34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6              20     NA
# ℹ 16,868 more rows

Instead of giving names or positions of columns, we instead pass the where() function with the name of another function inside it, in this case is.numeric(), and we get all the columns for which that function returns TRUE.

We can use this to select any columns that have any NA values in them:


select(surveys, where(anyNA))


# A tibble: 16,878 × 7
   species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight genus       species  taxa
   <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>
 1 NL         M                  32     NA Neotoma     albigula Rodent
 2 NL         M                  33     NA Neotoma     albigula Rodent
 3 DM         F                  37     NA Dipodomys   merriami Rodent
 4 DM         M                  36     NA Dipodomys   merriami Rodent
 5 DM         M                  35     NA Dipodomys   merriami Rodent
 6 PF         M                  14     NA Perognathus flavus   Rodent
 7 PE         F                  NA     NA Peromyscus  eremicus Rodent
 8 DM         M                  37     NA Dipodomys   merriami Rodent
 9 DM         F                  34     NA Dipodomys   merriami Rodent
10 PF         F                  20     NA Perognathus flavus   Rodent
# ℹ 16,868 more rows


The filter() function is used to select rows that meet certain criteria. To get all the rows where the value of year is equal to 1985, we would run the following:


filter(surveys, year == 1985)


# A tibble: 1,438 × 13
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1      9790     1    19  1985      16 RM         F                  16      4
 2      9791     1    19  1985      17 OT         F                  20     16
 3      9792     1    19  1985       6 DO         M                  35     48
 4      9793     1    19  1985      12 DO         F                  35     40
 5      9794     1    19  1985      24 RM         M                  16      4
 6      9795     1    19  1985      12 DO         M                  34     48
 7      9796     1    19  1985       6 DM         F                  37     35
 8      9797     1    19  1985      14 DM         M                  36     45
 9      9798     1    19  1985       6 DM         F                  36     38
10      9799     1    19  1985      19 RM         M                  16      4
# ℹ 1,428 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

The == sign means “is equal to”. There are several other operators we can use: >, >=, <, <=, and != (not equal to). Another useful operator is %in%, which asks if the value on the lefthand side is found anywhere in the vector on the righthand side. For example, to get rows with specific species_id values, we could run:


filter(surveys, species_id %in% c("RM", "DO"))


# A tibble: 2,835 × 13
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1        68     8    19  1977       8 DO         F                  32     52
 2       292    10    17  1977       3 DO         F                  36     33
 3       294    10    17  1977       3 DO         F                  37     50
 4       311    10    17  1977      19 RM         M                  18     13
 5       317    10    17  1977      17 DO         F                  32     48
 6       323    10    17  1977      17 DO         F                  33     31
 7       337    10    18  1977       8 DO         F                  35     41
 8       356    11    12  1977       1 DO         F                  32     44
 9       378    11    12  1977       1 DO         M                  33     48
10       397    11    13  1977      17 RM         F                  16      7
# ℹ 2,825 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

We can also use multiple conditions in one filter() statement. Here we will get rows with a year less than or equal to 1988 and whose hindfoot length values are not NA. The ! before the function means “not”.


filter(surveys, year <= 1988 & !


# A tibble: 12,779 × 13
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 8         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
 9        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
10        11     7    16  1977       5 DS         F                  53     NA
# ℹ 12,769 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

Challenge 1: Filtering and selecting

  1. Use the surveys data to make a data.frame that has only data with years from 1980 to 1985.


surveys_filtered <- filter(surveys, year >= 1980 & year <= 1985)

Challenge 1: Filtering and selecting (continued)

  1. Use the surveys data to make a data.frame that has only the following columns, in order: year, month, species_id, plot_id.


surveys_selected <- select(surveys, year, month, species_id, plot_id)

The pipe: %>%

What happens if we want to both select() and filter() our data? We have a couple options. First, we could use nested functions:


filter(select(surveys, -day), month >= 7)


# A tibble: 8,244 × 12
   record_id month  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight genus
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
 1         1     7  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA Neotoma
 2         2     7  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA Neotoma
 3         3     7  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA Dipodo…
 4         4     7  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA Dipodo…
 5         5     7  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA Dipodo…
 6         6     7  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA Perogn…
 7         7     7  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA Peromy…
 8         8     7  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA Dipodo…
 9         9     7  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA Dipodo…
10        10     7  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA Perogn…
# ℹ 8,234 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

R will evaluate statements from the inside out. First, select() will operate on the surveys data.frame, removing the column day. The resulting data.frame is then used as the first argument for filter(), which selects rows with a month greater than or equal to 7.

Nested functions can be very difficult to read with only a few functions, and nearly impossible when many functions are done at once. An alternative approach is to create intermediate objects:


surveys_noday <- select(surveys, -day)
filter(surveys_noday, month >= 7)


# A tibble: 8,244 × 12
   record_id month  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight genus
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
 1         1     7  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA Neotoma
 2         2     7  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA Neotoma
 3         3     7  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA Dipodo…
 4         4     7  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA Dipodo…
 5         5     7  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA Dipodo…
 6         6     7  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA Perogn…
 7         7     7  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA Peromy…
 8         8     7  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA Dipodo…
 9         9     7  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA Dipodo…
10        10     7  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA Perogn…
# ℹ 8,234 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

This approach is easier to read, since we can see the steps in order, but after enough steps, we are left with a cluttered mess of intermediate objects, often with confusing names.

An elegant solution to this problem is an operator called the pipe, which looks like %>%. You can insert it by using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Cmd+M (Mac) or Shift+Ctrl+M (Windows). Here’s how you could use a pipe to select and filter in one step:


surveys %>% 
  select(-day) %>% 
  filter(month >= 7)


# A tibble: 8,244 × 12
   record_id month  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight genus
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
 1         1     7  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA Neotoma
 2         2     7  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA Neotoma
 3         3     7  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA Dipodo…
 4         4     7  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA Dipodo…
 5         5     7  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA Dipodo…
 6         6     7  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA Perogn…
 7         7     7  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA Peromy…
 8         8     7  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA Dipodo…
 9         9     7  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA Dipodo…
10        10     7  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA Perogn…
# ℹ 8,234 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

What it does is take the thing on the lefthand side and insert it as the first argument of the function on the righthand side. By putting each of our functions onto a new line, we can build a nice, readable pipeline. It can be useful to think of this as a little assembly line for our data. It starts at the top and gets piped into a select() function, and it comes out modified somewhat. It then gets sent into the filter() function, where it is further modified, and then the final product gets printed out to our console. It can also be helpful to think of %>% as meaning “and then”. Since many tidyverse functions have verbs for names, a pipeline can be read like a sentence.

It’s worth showing the learners that you can run a pipeline without highlighting the whole thing. If your cursor is on any line of a pipeline, running that line will run the whole thing.

You can also show that by highlighting a section of a pipeline, you can run only the first X steps of it.

If we want to store this final product as an object, we use an assignment arrow at the start:


surveys_sub <- surveys %>% 
  select(-day) %>% 
  filter(month >= 7)

A good approach is to build a pipeline step by step prior to assignment. You add functions to the pipeline as you go, with the results printing in the console for you to view. Once you’re satisfied with your final result, go back and add the assignment arrow statement at the start. This approach is very interactive, allowing you to see the results of each step as you build the pipeline, and produces nicely readable code.

Challenge 2: Using pipes

Use the surveys data to make a data.frame that has the columns record_id, month, and species_id, with data from the year 1988. Use a pipe between the function calls.


surveys_1988 <- surveys %>%
  filter(year == 1988) %>%
  select(record_id, month, species_id)

Make sure to filter() before you select(). You need to use the year column for filtering rows, but it is discarded in the select() step. You also need to make sure to use == instead of = when you are filtering rows where year is equal to 1988.

Making new columns with mutate()

Another common task is creating a new column based on values in existing columns. For example, we could add a new column that has the weight in kilograms instead of grams:


surveys %>% 
  mutate(weight_kg = weight / 1000)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>,
#   weight_kg <dbl>

You can create multiple columns in one mutate() call, and they will get created in the order you write them. This means you can even reference the first new column in the second new column:


surveys %>% 
  mutate(weight_kg = weight / 1000,
         weight_lbs = weight_kg * 2.2)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 15
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>,
#   weight_kg <dbl>, weight_lbs <dbl>

We can also use multiple columns to create a single column. For example, it’s often good practice to keep the components of a date in separate columns until necessary, as we’ve done here. This is because programs like Excel can do automatic things with dates in a way that is not reproducible and sometimes hard to notice. However, now that we are working in R, we can safely put together a date column.

To put together the columns into something that looks like a date, we can use the paste() function, which takes arguments of the items to paste together, as well as the argument sep, which is the character used to separate the items.


surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"))


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>,
#   date <chr>

Since our new column gets moved all the way to the end, it doesn’t end up printing out. We can use the relocate() function to put it after our year column:


surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")) %>% 
  relocate(date, .after = year)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year date     plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       2 NL         M                  32
 2         2     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       3 NL         M                  33
 3         3     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       2 DM         F                  37
 4         4     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       7 DM         M                  36
 5         5     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       3 DM         M                  35
 6         6     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       1 PF         M                  14
 7         7     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       2 PE         F                  NA
 8         8     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       1 DM         M                  37
 9         9     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       1 DM         F                  34
10        10     7    16  1977 1977-7-…       6 PF         F                  20
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: weight <dbl>, genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>,
#   plot_type <chr>

Now we can see that we have a character column that contains our date string. However, it’s not truly a date column. Dates are a type of numeric variable with a defined, ordered scale. To turn this column into a proper date, we will use a function from the tidyverse’s lubridate package, which has lots of useful functions for working with dates. The function ymd() will parse a date string that has the order year-month-day. Let’s load the package and use ymd().



surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"),
         date = ymd(date)) %>% 
  relocate(date, .after = year)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year date       plot_id species_id sex
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date>       <dbl> <chr>      <chr>
 1         1     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 NL         M
 2         2     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 NL         M
 3         3     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 DM         F
 4         4     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       7 DM         M
 5         5     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 DM         M
 6         6     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 PF         M
 7         7     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 PE         F
 8         8     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         M
 9         9     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         F
10        10     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       6 PF         F
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: hindfoot_length <dbl>, weight <dbl>, genus <chr>,
#   species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>


surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"),
         date = as.Date(date)) %>% 
  relocate(date, .after = year)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year date       plot_id species_id sex
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date>       <dbl> <chr>      <chr>
 1         1     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 NL         M
 2         2     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 NL         M
 3         3     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 DM         F
 4         4     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       7 DM         M
 5         5     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 DM         M
 6         6     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 PF         M
 7         7     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 PE         F
 8         8     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         M
 9         9     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         F
10        10     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       6 PF         F
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: hindfoot_length <dbl>, weight <dbl>, genus <chr>,
#   species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

Now we can see that our date column has the type date as well. In this example, we created our column with two separate lines in mutate(), but we can combine them into one:


# using nested functions
surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"))) %>% 
  relocate(date, .after = year)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year date       plot_id species_id sex
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date>       <dbl> <chr>      <chr>
 1         1     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 NL         M
 2         2     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 NL         M
 3         3     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 DM         F
 4         4     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       7 DM         M
 5         5     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 DM         M
 6         6     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 PF         M
 7         7     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 PE         F
 8         8     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         M
 9         9     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         F
10        10     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       6 PF         F
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: hindfoot_length <dbl>, weight <dbl>, genus <chr>,
#   species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>


# using a pipe *inside* mutate()
surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = paste(year, month, day, 
                      sep = "-") %>% ymd()) %>% 
  relocate(date, .after = year)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 14
   record_id month   day  year date       plot_id species_id sex
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date>       <dbl> <chr>      <chr>
 1         1     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 NL         M
 2         2     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 NL         M
 3         3     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 DM         F
 4         4     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       7 DM         M
 5         5     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       3 DM         M
 6         6     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 PF         M
 7         7     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       2 PE         F
 8         8     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         M
 9         9     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       1 DM         F
10        10     7    16  1977 1977-07-16       6 PF         F
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: hindfoot_length <dbl>, weight <dbl>, genus <chr>,
#   species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

Challenge 3: Plotting date

Because the ggplot() function takes the data as its first argument, you can actually pipe data straight into ggplot(). Try building a pipeline that creates the date column and plots weight across date.


surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = weight)) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.1)


Warning: Removed 1692 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

This isn’t necessarily the most useful plot, but we will learn some techniques that will help produce nice time series plots

The split-apply-combine approach

Many data analysis tasks can be achieved using the split-apply-combine approach: you split the data into groups, apply some analysis to each group, and combine the results in some way. dplyr has a few convenient functions to enable this approach, the main two being group_by() and summarize().

group_by() takes a data.frame and the name of one or more columns with categorical values that define the groups. summarize() then collapses each group into a one-row summary of the group, giving you back a data.frame with one row per group. The syntax for summarize() is similar to mutate(), where you define new columns based on values of other columns. Let’s try calculating the mean weight of all our animals by sex.


surveys %>% 
  group_by(sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight, na.rm = T))


# A tibble: 3 × 2
  sex   mean_weight
  <chr>       <dbl>
1 F            53.1
2 M            53.2
3 <NA>         74.0

You can see that the mean weight for males is slightly higher than for females, but that animals whose sex is unknown have much higher weights. This is probably due to small sample size, but we should check to be sure. Like mutate(), we can define multiple columns in one summarize() call. The function n() will count the number of rows in each group.


surveys %>% 
  group_by(sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight, na.rm = T),
            n = n())


# A tibble: 3 × 3
  sex   mean_weight     n
  <chr>       <dbl> <int>
1 F            53.1  7318
2 M            53.2  8260
3 <NA>         74.0  1300

You will often want to create groups based on multiple columns. For example, we might be interested in the mean weight of every species + sex combination. All we have to do is add another column to our group_by() call.


surveys %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight, na.rm = T),
            n = n())


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


# A tibble: 67 × 4
# Groups:   species_id [36]
   species_id sex   mean_weight     n
   <chr>      <chr>       <dbl> <int>
 1 AB         <NA>        NaN     223
 2 AH         <NA>        NaN     136
 3 BA         M             7       3
 4 CB         <NA>        NaN      23
 5 CM         <NA>        NaN      13
 6 CQ         <NA>        NaN      16
 7 CS         <NA>        NaN       1
 8 CV         <NA>        NaN       1
 9 DM         F            40.7  2522
10 DM         M            44.0  3108
# ℹ 57 more rows

Our resulting data.frame is much larger, since we have a greater number of groups. We also see a strange value showing up in our mean_weight column: NaN. This stands for “Not a Number”, and it often results from trying to do an operation a vector with zero entries. How can a vector have zero entries? Well, if a particular group (like the AB species ID + NA sex group) has only NA values for weight, then the na.rm = T argument in mean() will remove all the values prior to calculating the mean. The result will be a value of NaN. Since we are not particularly interested in these values, let’s add a step to our pipeline to remove rows where weight is NA before doing any other steps. This means that any groups with only NA values will disappear from our data.frame before we formally create the groups with group_by().


surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight),
            n = n())


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


# A tibble: 46 × 4
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id sex   mean_weight     n
   <chr>      <chr>       <dbl> <int>
 1 BA         M             7       3
 2 DM         F            40.7  2460
 3 DM         M            44.0  3013
 4 DM         <NA>         37       8
 5 DO         F            48.4   679
 6 DO         M            49.3   748
 7 DO         <NA>         44       1
 8 DS         F           118.   1055
 9 DS         M           123.   1184
10 DS         <NA>        121.     16
# ℹ 36 more rows

That looks better! It’s often useful to take a look at the results in some order, like the lowest mean weight to highest. We can use the arrange() function for that:


surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight),
            n = n()) %>% 


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


# A tibble: 46 × 4
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id sex   mean_weight     n
   <chr>      <chr>       <dbl> <int>
 1 PF         <NA>         6        2
 2 BA         M            7        3
 3 PF         F            7.09   215
 4 PF         M            7.10   296
 5 RM         M            9.92   678
 6 RM         <NA>        10.4      7
 7 RM         F           10.7    629
 8 RF         M           12.4     16
 9 RF         F           13.7     46
10 PP         <NA>        15        2
# ℹ 36 more rows

If we want to reverse the order, we can wrap the column name in desc():


surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight),
            n = n()) %>% 


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


# A tibble: 46 × 4
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id sex   mean_weight     n
   <chr>      <chr>       <dbl> <int>
 1 NL         M           168.    355
 2 NL         <NA>        164.      9
 3 NL         F           151.    460
 4 SS         M           130       1
 5 DS         M           123.   1184
 6 DS         <NA>        121.     16
 7 DS         F           118.   1055
 8 SH         F            79.2    61
 9 SH         M            67.6    34
10 SF         F            58.3     3
# ℹ 36 more rows

You may have seen several messages saying summarise() has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the .groups argument. These are warning you that your resulting data.frame has retained some group structure, which means any subsequent operations on that data.frame will happen at the group level. If you look at the resulting data.frame printed out in your console, you will see these lines:

# A tibble: 46 × 4
# Groups:   species_id [18]

They tell us we have a data.frame with 46 rows, 4 columns, and a group variable species_id, for which there are 18 groups. We will see something similar if we use group_by() alone:


surveys %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex)


# A tibble: 16,878 × 13
# Groups:   species_id, sex [67]
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1         1     7    16  1977       2 NL         M                  32     NA
 2         2     7    16  1977       3 NL         M                  33     NA
 3         3     7    16  1977       2 DM         F                  37     NA
 4         4     7    16  1977       7 DM         M                  36     NA
 5         5     7    16  1977       3 DM         M                  35     NA
 6         6     7    16  1977       1 PF         M                  14     NA
 7         7     7    16  1977       2 PE         F                  NA     NA
 8         8     7    16  1977       1 DM         M                  37     NA
 9         9     7    16  1977       1 DM         F                  34     NA
10        10     7    16  1977       6 PF         F                  20     NA
# ℹ 16,868 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>

What we get back is the entire surveys data.frame, but with the grouping variables added: 67 groups of species_id + sex combinations. Groups are often maintained throughout a pipeline, and if you assign the resulting data.frame to a new object, it will also have those groups. This can lead to confusing results if you forget about the grouping and want to carry out operations on the whole data.frame, not by group. Therefore, it is a good habit to remove the groups at the end of a pipeline containing group_by():


surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight),
            n = n()) %>% 
  arrange(desc(mean_weight)) %>% 


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


# A tibble: 46 × 4
   species_id sex   mean_weight     n
   <chr>      <chr>       <dbl> <int>
 1 NL         M           168.    355
 2 NL         <NA>        164.      9
 3 NL         F           151.    460
 4 SS         M           130       1
 5 DS         M           123.   1184
 6 DS         <NA>        121.     16
 7 DS         F           118.   1055
 8 SH         F            79.2    61
 9 SH         M            67.6    34
10 SF         F            58.3     3
# ℹ 36 more rows

Now our data.frame just says # A tibble: 46 × 4 at the top, with no groups.

While it is common that you will want to get the one-row-per-group summary that summarise() provides, there are times where you want to calculate a per-group value but keep all the rows in your data.frame. For example, we might want to know the mean weight for each species ID + sex combination, and then we might want to know how far from that mean value each observation in the group is. For this, we can use group_by() and mutate() together:


surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  mutate(mean_weight = mean(weight),
            weight_diff = weight - mean_weight)


# A tibble: 15,186 × 15
# Groups:   species_id, sex [46]
   record_id month   day  year plot_id species_id sex   hindfoot_length weight
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
 1        63     8    19  1977       3 DM         M                  35     40
 2        64     8    19  1977       7 DM         M                  37     48
 3        65     8    19  1977       4 DM         F                  34     29
 4        66     8    19  1977       4 DM         F                  35     46
 5        67     8    19  1977       7 DM         M                  35     36
 6        68     8    19  1977       8 DO         F                  32     52
 7        69     8    19  1977       2 PF         M                  15      8
 8        70     8    19  1977       3 OX         F                  21     22
 9        71     8    19  1977       7 DM         F                  36     35
10        74     8    19  1977       8 PF         M                  12      7
# ℹ 15,176 more rows
# ℹ 6 more variables: genus <chr>, species <chr>, taxa <chr>, plot_type <chr>,
#   mean_weight <dbl>, weight_diff <dbl>

Since we get all our columns back, the new columns are at the very end and don’t print out in the console. Let’s use select() to just look at the columns of interest. Inside select() we can use the contains() function to get any column containing the word “weight” in the name:


surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, sex) %>% 
  mutate(mean_weight = mean(weight),
            weight_diff = weight - mean_weight) %>% 
  select(species_id, sex, contains("weight"))


# A tibble: 15,186 × 5
# Groups:   species_id, sex [46]
   species_id sex   weight mean_weight weight_diff
   <chr>      <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 DM         M         40       44.0      -4.00
 2 DM         M         48       44.0       4.00
 3 DM         F         29       40.7     -11.7
 4 DM         F         46       40.7       5.28
 5 DM         M         36       44.0      -8.00
 6 DO         F         52       48.4       3.63
 7 PF         M          8        7.10      0.902
 8 OX         F         22       21         1
 9 DM         F         35       40.7      -5.72
10 PF         M          7        7.10     -0.0980
# ℹ 15,176 more rows

What happens with the group_by() + mutate() combination is similar to using summarize(): for each group, the mean weight is calculated. However, instead of reporting only one row per group, the mean weight for each group is added to each row in that group. For each row in a group (like DM species ID + M sex), you will see the same value in mean_weight.

Challenge 4: Making a time series

  1. Use the split-apply-combine approach to make a data.frame that counts the total number of animals of each sex caught on each day in the surveys data.


surveys_daily_counts <- surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"))) %>% 
  group_by(date, sex) %>% 
  summarize(n = n())


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'date'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


# shorter approach using count()
surveys_daily_counts <- surveys %>% 
  mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"))) %>% 
  count(date, sex)

Challenge 4: Making a time series (continued)

  1. Now use the data.frame you just made to plot the daily number of animals of each sex caught over time. It’s up to you what geom to use, but a line plot might be a good choice. You should also think about how to differentiate which data corresponds to which sex.


surveys_daily_counts %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = n, color = sex)) +

Reshaping data with tidyr

Let’s say we are interested in comparing the mean weights of each species across our different plots. We can begin this process using the group_by() + summarize() approach:


sp_by_plot <- surveys %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(species_id, plot_id) %>% 
  summarise(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>% 
  arrange(species_id, plot_id)


`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.




# A tibble: 300 × 3
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id plot_id mean_weight
   <chr>        <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 BA               3         8
 2 BA              21         6.5
 3 DM               1        42.7
 4 DM               2        42.6
 5 DM               3        41.2
 6 DM               4        41.9
 7 DM               5        42.6
 8 DM               6        42.1
 9 DM               7        43.2
10 DM               8        43.4
# ℹ 290 more rows

That looks great, but it is a bit difficult to compare values across plots. It would be nice if we could reshape this data.frame to make those comparisons easier. Well, the tidyr package from the tidyverse has a pair of functions that allow you to reshape data by pivoting it: pivot_wider() and pivot_longer(). pivot_wider() will make the data wider, which means increasing the number of columns and reducing the number of rows. pivot_longer() will do the opposite, reducing the number of columns and increasing the number of rows.

In this case, it might be nice to create a data.frame where each species has its own row, and each plot has its own column containing the mean weight for a given species. We will use pivot_wider() to reshape our data in this way. It takes 3 arguments:

  1. the name of the data.frame
  2. names_from: which column should be used to generate the names of the new columns?
  3. values_from: which column should be used to fill in the values of the new columns?

Any columns not used for names_from or values_from will not be pivoted.

Diagram depicting the behavior of `pivot_wider()` on a small tabular dataset.

In our case, we want the new columns to be named from our plot_id column, with the values coming from the mean_weight column. We can pipe our data.frame right into pivot_wider() and add those two arguments:


sp_by_plot_wide <- sp_by_plot %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = plot_id, 
              values_from = mean_weight)



# A tibble: 18 × 25
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id    `3`   `21`    `1`    `2`    `4`   `5`    `6`   `7`    `8`
   <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 BA           8      6.5   NA     NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
 2 DM          41.2   41.5   42.7   42.6   41.9   42.6  42.1   43.2  43.4
 3 DO          42.7   NA     50.1   50.3   46.8   50.4  49.0   52    49.2
 4 DS         128.    NA    129.   125.   118.   111.  114.   126.  128.
 5 NL         171.   136.   154.   171.   164.   192.  176.   170.  134.
 6 OL          32.1   28.6   35.5   34     33.0   32.6  31.8   NA    30.3
 7 OT          24.1   24.1   23.7   24.9   26.5   23.6  23.5   22    24.1
 8 OX          22     NA     NA     22     NA     20    NA     NA    NA
 9 PE          22.7   19.6   21.6   22.0   NA     21    21.6   22.8  19.4
10 PF           7.12   7.23   6.57   6.89   6.75   7.5   7.54   7     6.78
11 PH          28     31     NA     NA     NA     29    NA     NA    NA
12 PM          20.1   23.6   23.7   23.9   NA     23.7  22.3   23.4  23
13 PP          17.1   13.6   14.3   16.4   14.8   19.8  16.8   NA    13.9
14 RF          14.8   17     NA     16     NA     14    12.1   13    NA
15 RM          10.3    9.89  10.9   10.6   10.4   10.8  10.6   10.7   9
16 SF          NA     49     NA     NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
17 SH          76.0   79.9   NA     88     NA     82.7  NA     NA    NA
18 SS          NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA    NA     NA    NA
# ℹ 15 more variables: `9` <dbl>, `10` <dbl>, `11` <dbl>, `12` <dbl>,
#   `13` <dbl>, `14` <dbl>, `15` <dbl>, `16` <dbl>, `17` <dbl>, `18` <dbl>,
#   `19` <dbl>, `20` <dbl>, `22` <dbl>, `23` <dbl>, `24` <dbl>

Now we’ve got our reshaped data.frame. There are a few things to notice. First, we have a new column for each plot_id value. There is one old column left in the data.frame: species_id. It wasn’t used in pivot_wider(), so it stays, and now contains a single entry for each unique species_id value.

Finally, a lot of NAs have appeared. Some species aren’t found in every plot, but because a data.frame has to have a value in every row and every column, an NA is inserted. We can double-check this to verify what is going on.

Looking in our new pivoted data.frame, we can see that there is an NA value for the species BA in plot 1. Let’s take our sp_by_plot data.frame and look for the mean_weight of that species + plot combination.


sp_by_plot %>% 
  filter(species_id == "BA" & plot_id == 1)


# A tibble: 0 × 3
# Groups:   species_id [0]
# ℹ 3 variables: species_id <chr>, plot_id <dbl>, mean_weight <dbl>

We get back 0 rows. There is no mean_weight for the species BA in plot 1. This either happened because no BA were ever caught in plot 1, or because every BA caught in plot 1 had an NA weight value and all the rows got removed when we used filter(! in the process of making sp_by_plot. Because there are no rows with that species + plot combination, in our pivoted data.frame, the value gets filled with NA.

There is another pivot_ function that does the opposite, moving data from a wide to long format, called pivot_longer(). It takes 3 arguments: cols for the columns you want to pivot, names_to for the name of the new column which will contain the old column names, and values_to for the name of the new column which will contain the old values.

Diagram depicting the behavior of `pivot_longer()` on a small tabular dataset.

We can pivot our new wide data.frame to a long format using pivot_longer(). We want to pivot all the columns except species_id, and we will use PLOT for the new column of plot IDs, and MEAN_WT for the new column of mean weight values.


sp_by_plot_wide %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -species_id, names_to = "PLOT", values_to = "MEAN_WT")


# A tibble: 432 × 3
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id PLOT  MEAN_WT
   <chr>      <chr>   <dbl>
 1 BA         3         8
 2 BA         21        6.5
 3 BA         1        NA
 4 BA         2        NA
 5 BA         4        NA
 6 BA         5        NA
 7 BA         6        NA
 8 BA         7        NA
 9 BA         8        NA
10 BA         9        NA
# ℹ 422 more rows

One thing you will notice is that all those NA values that got generated when we pivoted wider. However, we can filter those out, which gets us back to the same data as sp_by_plot, before we pivoted it wider.


sp_by_plot_wide %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -species_id, names_to = "PLOT", values_to = "MEAN_WT") %>% 


# A tibble: 300 × 3
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id PLOT  MEAN_WT
   <chr>      <chr>   <dbl>
 1 BA         3         8
 2 BA         21        6.5
 3 DM         3        41.2
 4 DM         21       41.5
 5 DM         1        42.7
 6 DM         2        42.6
 7 DM         4        41.9
 8 DM         5        42.6
 9 DM         6        42.1
10 DM         7        43.2
# ℹ 290 more rows

Data are often recorded in spreadsheets in a wider format, but lots of tidyverse tools, especially ggplot2, like data in a longer format, so pivot_longer() is often very useful.

Exporting data

Let’s say we want to send the wide version of our sb_by_plot data.frame to a colleague who doesn’t use R. In this case, we might want to save it as a CSV file.

First, we might want to modify the names of the columns, since right now they are bare numbers, which aren’t very informative. Luckily, pivot_wider() has an argument names_prefix which will allow us to add “plot_” to the start of each column.


sp_by_plot %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = plot_id, values_from = mean_weight,
              names_prefix = "plot_")


# A tibble: 18 × 25
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id plot_3 plot_21 plot_1 plot_2 plot_4 plot_5 plot_6 plot_7 plot_8
   <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 BA           8       6.5   NA     NA     NA      NA    NA      NA    NA
 2 DM          41.2    41.5   42.7   42.6   41.9    42.6  42.1    43.2  43.4
 3 DO          42.7    NA     50.1   50.3   46.8    50.4  49.0    52    49.2
 4 DS         128.     NA    129.   125.   118.    111.  114.    126.  128.
 5 NL         171.    136.   154.   171.   164.    192.  176.    170.  134.
 6 OL          32.1    28.6   35.5   34     33.0    32.6  31.8    NA    30.3
 7 OT          24.1    24.1   23.7   24.9   26.5    23.6  23.5    22    24.1
 8 OX          22      NA     NA     22     NA      20    NA      NA    NA
 9 PE          22.7    19.6   21.6   22.0   NA      21    21.6    22.8  19.4
10 PF           7.12    7.23   6.57   6.89   6.75    7.5   7.54    7     6.78
11 PH          28      31     NA     NA     NA      29    NA      NA    NA
12 PM          20.1    23.6   23.7   23.9   NA      23.7  22.3    23.4  23
13 PP          17.1    13.6   14.3   16.4   14.8    19.8  16.8    NA    13.9
14 RF          14.8    17     NA     16     NA      14    12.1    13    NA
15 RM          10.3     9.89  10.9   10.6   10.4    10.8  10.6    10.7   9
16 SF          NA      49     NA     NA     NA      NA    NA      NA    NA
17 SH          76.0    79.9   NA     88     NA      82.7  NA      NA    NA
18 SS          NA      NA     NA     NA     NA      NA    NA      NA    NA
# ℹ 15 more variables: plot_9 <dbl>, plot_10 <dbl>, plot_11 <dbl>,
#   plot_12 <dbl>, plot_13 <dbl>, plot_14 <dbl>, plot_15 <dbl>, plot_16 <dbl>,
#   plot_17 <dbl>, plot_18 <dbl>, plot_19 <dbl>, plot_20 <dbl>, plot_22 <dbl>,
#   plot_23 <dbl>, plot_24 <dbl>

That looks better! Let’s save this data.frame as a new object.


surveys_sp <- sp_by_plot %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = plot_id, values_from = mean_weight,
              names_prefix = "plot_")



# A tibble: 18 × 25
# Groups:   species_id [18]
   species_id plot_3 plot_21 plot_1 plot_2 plot_4 plot_5 plot_6 plot_7 plot_8
   <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 BA           8       6.5   NA     NA     NA      NA    NA      NA    NA
 2 DM          41.2    41.5   42.7   42.6   41.9    42.6  42.1    43.2  43.4
 3 DO          42.7    NA     50.1   50.3   46.8    50.4  49.0    52    49.2
 4 DS         128.     NA    129.   125.   118.    111.  114.    126.  128.
 5 NL         171.    136.   154.   171.   164.    192.  176.    170.  134.
 6 OL          32.1    28.6   35.5   34     33.0    32.6  31.8    NA    30.3
 7 OT          24.1    24.1   23.7   24.9   26.5    23.6  23.5    22    24.1
 8 OX          22      NA     NA     22     NA      20    NA      NA    NA
 9 PE          22.7    19.6   21.6   22.0   NA      21    21.6    22.8  19.4
10 PF           7.12    7.23   6.57   6.89   6.75    7.5   7.54    7     6.78
11 PH          28      31     NA     NA     NA      29    NA      NA    NA
12 PM          20.1    23.6   23.7   23.9   NA      23.7  22.3    23.4  23
13 PP          17.1    13.6   14.3   16.4   14.8    19.8  16.8    NA    13.9
14 RF          14.8    17     NA     16     NA      14    12.1    13    NA
15 RM          10.3     9.89  10.9   10.6   10.4    10.8  10.6    10.7   9
16 SF          NA      49     NA     NA     NA      NA    NA      NA    NA
17 SH          76.0    79.9   NA     88     NA      82.7  NA      NA    NA
18 SS          NA      NA     NA     NA     NA      NA    NA      NA    NA
# ℹ 15 more variables: plot_9 <dbl>, plot_10 <dbl>, plot_11 <dbl>,
#   plot_12 <dbl>, plot_13 <dbl>, plot_14 <dbl>, plot_15 <dbl>, plot_16 <dbl>,
#   plot_17 <dbl>, plot_18 <dbl>, plot_19 <dbl>, plot_20 <dbl>, plot_22 <dbl>,
#   plot_23 <dbl>, plot_24 <dbl>

Now we can save this data.frame to a CSV using the write_csv() function from the readr package. The first argument is the name of the data.frame, and the second is the path to the new file we want to create, including the file extension .csv.


write_csv(surveys_sp, "data/cleaned/surveys_meanweight_species_plot.csv")

If we go look into our data/cleaned_data folder, we will see this new CSV file.

Key Points

  • use filter() to subset rows and select() to subset columns
  • build up pipelines one step at a time before assigning the result
  • it is often best to keep components of dates separate until needed, then use mutate() to make a date column
  • group_by() can be used with summarize() to collapse rows or mutate() to keep the same number of rows
  • pivot_wider() and pivot_longer() are powerful for reshaping data, but you should plan out how to use them thoughtfully

Content from Getting started with Quarto

Last updated on 2024-10-09 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 45 minutes

  • This is an optional lesson intended to introduce learners to Quarto.
  • While it is listed after the core lessons, some instructors may prefer to teach it early in the workshop, depending on the audience.



  • What is Quarto?
  • How can I integrate my R code with text and plots?
  • How can I convert .qmd files to .html?


  • Create a .qmd document containing R code, text, and plots
  • Create a YAML header to control the output
  • Understand the basic syntax of Quarto
  • Customize code chunks to control formatting
  • Use code chunks and in-line code to create dynamic, reproducible documents


Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system for integrating code, text, figures, citations, etc., to produce elegantly formatted output as documents, web pages, blog posts, books and more.

If you’ve heard of or used R Markdown, Quarto is closely related to it, but with the advantage of supporting multi-language projects, more built-in output formats, and options for customizing and creating dynamic content natively in RStudio instead of relying on external packages.

Quarto allows you to produce research reports with minimal reproducibility friction. It provides an environment where you can write your complete analysis. It weaves your text, figures, code, and citations into a single document. The following sections cover examples of using Quarto to explore data with collaborators and communicate your science. Documents created with Quarto can be readily converted to multiple static and dynamic output formats, including PDF (.pdf), Word (.docx), and HTML (.html).

Quarto comes pre-installed with your RStudio IDE (v2022.07 and later), so there’s no need for anything before we can move on.

Creating a Quarto file

To create a new Quarto document in RStudio, click File -> New File -> Quarto Document:

Screenshot of the New Quarto file dialogue box in RStudio

Then click on ‘Create Empty Document’. Typically, you could enter the title of your document, your name (Author), and select the type of output, but we will learn how to start from a blank document.

Basic components of Quarto

To control the output, a YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) header is needed:

title: "Untitled"
format: html
editor: visual

The header is defined by the three hyphens at the beginning (---) and the three hyphens at the end (---).

In the YAML, the only required field is the format:, which specifies the type of output you want. This can be an html, a pdf, or a word. We will start with an HTML document and discuss the other options later.

After the header, to begin the body of the document, you start typing after the end of the YAML header (i.e., after the second ---).

While we will stick to the basics, it is important to note that Quarto provides a rich set of YAML metadata keys to describe front matter details and configuration settings to customize how your document will render. Even though we won’t be able to cover those today, here is an an example that can inspire you to explore it further:

title: "Toward a Unified Theory of High-Energy Metaphysics: Silly String Theory"
date: 2008-02-29
  - name: Josiah Carberry
    id: jc
    orcid: 0000-0002-1825-0097
      - name: Brown University
        city: Providence
        state: RI
abstract: >
  The characteristic theme of the works of Stone is
  the bridge between culture and society. ...
  - Metaphysics
  - String Theory
license: "CC BY"
  holder: Josiah Carberry
  year: 2008
  container-title: Journal of Psychoceramics
  volume: 1
  issue: 1
  doi: 10.5555/12345678
funding: "The author received no specific funding for this work."

The image below shows how this Quarto document would look as an html output:

Screenshot of a Custom YAML HTML document

Markdown syntax

Even though RStudio supports the visual mode, with which you can accomplish most formatting without syntax typing, it is worth understanding its basics.

Markdown is a popular markup language that allows you to add formatting elements to text, such as bold, italics, and code. The formatting will not be immediately visible in a markdown (.md) document like in Word. Instead, you add Markdown syntax to the text, which can then be converted to various other files that can translate the Markdown syntax. Markdown is helpful because it is lightweight, flexible, and platform-independent.

First, let’s create a heading! A # in front of the text indicates to Markdown that this text is a heading. Adding more #s make the heading smaller, i.e., one # is a first-level heading, two ##s is a second-level heading, etc., up to the 6th level heading.

# Title
## Section
### Sub-section
#### Sub-sub section
##### Sub-sub-sub section
###### Sub-sub-sub-sub section

Ensure only to use a level if the one above is also in use.

Since we have already defined our title in the YAML header, we will use a section heading to create an Introduction section.

## Introduction

You can make things bold by surrounding the word with a double asterisks, **bold**, or double underscores, __bold__; and italicize using single asterisks, *italics*, or single underscores, _italics_.

You can also combine bold and italics to write something really important with triple-asterisks, ***really***, or underscores, ___really___; and, if you’re feeling bold (pun intended), you can also use a combination of asterisks and underscores, **_really_**, really.

To create code-type font, surround the word with backticks, `code-type`.

Now that we’ve learned a couple of things, it might be useful to implement them:

## Introduction

This report uses the **tidyverse** package along with the *surveys_complete_77_89.csv* dataset,
which has columns that include:

Then, we can create a list of the variables using the -, +, or * keys.

## Introduction

This report uses the **tidyverse** package along with the *surveys_complete_77_89.csv* dataset,
which has columns that include:

- record_id
- month
- day
- year
- plot_id
- species_id

You can also create an ordered list using numbers:

1. record_id
2. month
3. day
4. year
5. plot_id
6. species_id

And nested items by tab-indenting:

- record_id
  + unique case number
- month
  + month case was recorded
- day
  + month case was recorded
- year
  + year was recorded
- plot_id
  + unique plot ID
- species_id
  + species alpha code

For more Markdown syntax, see the following reference guide.

Now we can render the document into HTML by clicking the Render button at the top of the Source pane (top left), or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+K on Windows and Linux, and Cmd+Shift+K on Mac. If you haven’t saved the document yet, you will be prompted to do so when you Render for the first time.

The 'rendering' process

Writing a Quarto report

Now, we will add some R code from previous episodes, meaning we need to ensure ggplot2 and dplyr are loaded. It is not enough to load tidyverse from the console, we will need to load it within our Quarto document. The same applies to our data. To load these, we will need to create a ‘code chunk’ at the top of our document (below the YAML header).

A code chunk can be inserted by clicking Code > Insert Chunk, or by using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+I on Windows and Linux, and Cmd+Option+I on Mac.

The syntax of a code chunk is:



"Here is where you place the R code you want to run."


In Quarto, you can label a code chunk by adding a label:


#| label: testing

"Here is where you place the R code you want to run."


A Quarto document knows that this text is not part of the report from the ``` that begins and ends the chunk. It also knows that the code inside of the chunk is R code from the r inside of the curly braces ({}). After the r, you can add a name for the code chunk. As mentioned, Quarto is multi-language, and you may enter other programming languages for specific code chunks if desired. However, this workshop focuses on R, so let’s stick to that.

Naming a chunk is optional but recommended for easier referencing and future updates. Please keep in mind that each chunk name must be unique and can only include alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).

To load ggplot2 and dplyr and our surveys_complete_77_89.csv file, we will insert a chunk and call it ‘genus-comp’.


#| label: genus-comp
# Load necessary packages

# Load the dataset
surveys <- read_csv("data/cleaned/surveys_complete_77_89.csv")

# Count occurrences of Dipodomys and Onychomys by year
occurrences_by_year <- surveys %>%
  filter(genus %in% c("Dipodomys", "Onychomys")) %>%
  group_by(year, genus) %>%
  summarize(count = n(), .groups = 'drop')

# Plotting the data
ggplot(occurrences_by_year, aes(x = year, y = count, color = genus, group = genus)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Dipodomys vs. Onychomys by Year",
       x = "Year",
       y = "Occurrences") +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(occurrences_by_year$year))


You don’t need to Render your entire document whenever you want to view how the code you are currently working on is rendering. While this might not be an issue for shorter documents, it can be time-consuming with many code chunks when you want to check the output of a specific block. In such cases, you can run the code chunk by clicking the green triangle in the top right corner, or by using the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Alt+C on Windows and Linux, or Cmd+Option+C on Mac.

Run the code chunk to make sure you get the desired output.

Genus Comparision Rendered Plot Example

We generated a rendered plot, but it includes many unnecessary elements that we may not want in our report. Let’s explore how we can enhance it.

More on customizing chunk outputs

There are several code and cell output options that you can use to customize how things will look in your rendered .qmd document. Below are a few of the most commonly used:

Option Options Output
eval TRUE or FALSE Whether or not the code within the code chunk should be run.
echo TRUE or FALSE Choose to show your code chunk in the output document. echo = TRUE will show the code chunk.
include TRUE or FALSE Choose if the output of a code chunk should be included in the document. FALSE means that your code will run, but will not show up in the document.
warning TRUE or FALSE Whether or not you want your output document to display potential warning messages produced by your code.
message TRUE or FALSE Whether or not you want your output document to display potential messages produced by your code.
results markup, asis, HOLD, or FALSE How to display text results. Note that this option only applies to normal text output (not warnings, messages, or errors).

Explore these and other options Code Cells: Knitr

More about custom code chunks

  • The default settings for the above chunk options are all TRUE.
  • The default settings can be modified per chunk, or across the whole .qmd document using the execution options at the YAML level.
  • There is also an option to apply global options to all .qmd files contained in a quarto project using the _quarto.yml file configuration. But that is an advanced setup we encourage you to explore with more time.


Which option would I need to apply to the `genus-comp` example to not render the extra content from the plot?

#| echo: FALSE

#| warning: FALSE

#| message: FALSE

#| results: FALSE


Copy the code in the R script used to generate the blue graph in early episodes below. Create a code chunk in your .qmd document, and play around with the different options in the chunk with the code for the table, and Render the document or the code chunk to see what each option does to the output.

What happens if you use eval = FALSE and echo = FALSE? What is the difference between this and include = FALSE?


ggplot(data = complete_old, mapping = aes(x = weight, y = hindfoot_length)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2, color = "blue")`

Create a chunk with {r eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE}, then create another chunk with {r include = FALSE} to compare. eval = FALSE and echo = FALSE will neither run the code in the chunk nor show the code in the rendered document. The code chunk doesn’t exist in the rendered document, as it was never run. On the other hand, include = FALSE will run the code and store the output for later use.

In-line R code

We’ve discussed code chunks and how to include them in a QMD document, but what if you want to integrate inline R code to present descriptive statistics in your paper? Using inline code can enhance your narrative by allowing dynamic values to appear alongside your text. Instead of manually typing static values, you can call them directly from your dataset. If your data changes, the values will automatically update, ensuring your results are always current.

To use in-line R-code, we use the same backticks that we used in the Markdown section, with an r to specify that we are generating R-code. The difference between in-line code and a code chunk is the number of backticks. In-line R code uses one backtick (`r`), whereas code chunks use three backticks (```r```).

The best way to use in-line R code, is to minimize the amount of code you need to produce the in-line output by preparing the output in code chunks. Let’s say we’re interested in presenting our dataset’s average number of rodents.

Now, we can make an informative statement as an in-line R-code. For example:

Our dataset includes `{r} nrow(surveys)` cases.


Our dataset includes 16878 cases.

Because we are using in-line R code instead of the actual values, we have created a dynamic document that will automatically update if we change the dataset and/or code chunks. Cool, right?


Create an in-line code to represent the average weight for the sample:

“Our sample includes 16878 cases, with an average weight of ?

…, with an average weight weight of `{r} mean(as.integer(surveys$hindfoot_length), na.rm = TRUE)` millimeters.


…, with an average hindfoot length of 31.9821138 millimeters.

If you feel inspired, you may also round it up 31.98

…, with an average weight weight of `{r} round(mean(as.integer(surveys$hindfoot_length), na.rm = TRUE)` millimeters.


…, with an average hindfoot length of 31.98

Other output options

You can convert Quarto to other formats. Quarto documents are currently supported as HTML (html), PDF (pdf), MS Word (docx), OpenOffice (odt) and ePub (epub). You may describe the desired output in the YAML.

title: "My Awesome Report"
author: "Your name"
output: docx

Alternatively, you can specify the use of a format on the command line:


quarto render document.qmd --to docx

Note: Creating PDF documents

In order to create PDFs you will need to install a recent distribution of TeX. We recommend the use of TinyTeX (which is based on TexLive), which you can install with the following command in the terminal:


quarto install tinytex

Note: Inserting citations into a Quarto file

It is possible to insert citations into a Quarto file using the editor toolbar. The editor toolbar includes formatting buttons commonly seen in text editors (e.g., bold and italic). The toolbar is accessible by using the settings drop-down menu (next to the ‘Render’ drop-down menu) to select ‘Use Visual Editor’, which is also accessible through the shortcut ‘Crtl+Shift+F4’. From here, click ‘Insert’ allows ‘Citation’ to be selected (shortcut: ‘Crtl+Shift+F8’). For example, searching ‘10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4’ in ‘From DOI’ and inserting will provide the citation for ggplot2 [@wickham2016]. This will also save the citation(s) in ‘references.bib’ in the current working directory. Visit the R Studio website for more information. Tip: You may also change citation styles automatically (see:


Key Points

  • Quarto is useful for creating reproducible documents combining text, code and figures.
  • Specify chunk options to control the formatting of the output document.