Carpentry @ UCSB Library

Web Scraping with Python

November 5, 7, 2024

10 am - 12:00 PST

UC Santa Barbara Library, Room 1312

Instructors: Jose Niño Muriel

Helpers: Noah Spahn, Ron Lencevičius, Seth Erickson

Learn how to extract data from websites in this two-day workshop on web scraping with Python. We’ll begin by reviewing the structure of websites in HTML and how to retrieve information using your browser, the Requests library, and Beautiful Soup. You’ll also learn about the differences between static and dynamic web pages, and how to scrape the latter with the Selenium library. This workshop is designed for participants who already have a basic understanding of Python programming.

Code of Conduct

Everyone who participates in Carpentries activities is required to conform to the Code of Conduct. This document also outlines how to report an incident if needed.