This is a list of all the data required for the 12 maps and 13 episodes described on the Read Me, along with notes regarding where they appear into the episode flow.
We’re still not sure if we have everything we need.
Items from the Carpentry Google Drive are downloaded as a single zip folder
by new_data_prep.r. They are currently stored in
\\Carpentry\Workshop Development\Local Data for Workshops\geo
If you need to add anything, zip up your source_data folder and replace the zip archive on Google Drive.
We will someday move away from keeping them there. Perhaps build a zenodo package at the end of our exercise? For now, we have 1 zip package up there.
Eventually it will come with a OCFL manifest
Links are to their original source:
names(campus_DEM_df)[names(campus_DEM_df) == 'greatercampusDEM_1_1'] <- 'elevation'
URL of the service is actually:
“campus_bathotopo” – the above merged()
“campus_projection” – this is whatever campus_DEM is when it comes out of episode 1.
** “map2_v1” “map2_v2” “map2_v3” “map2_v4” “map2_v5”
Most of these will be used in Episodes 1 and 2
“bath_clipped” “bath_df” “bath_rast” “campus_bath_df”
“campus_border” “campus_border_poly” “campus_DEM” “campus_DEM_df”
“custom_bath_bins” “custom_bins” “reprojected_bath”
“aligned_zoom” “campus_DEM” “campus_extent” “campus_hillshade”
“grays” “campus_crs” “places” “tryptic”
“world” “zoom_1” “zoom_1_df” “zoom_1_extent”
“zoom_1_plot” “zoom_2” “zoom_2_aspect” “zoom_2_cropped”
“zoom_2_df” “zoom_2_extent” “zoom_2_hillshade” “zoom_2_hillshade_df”
“zoom_2_plot” “zoom_2_slope” “zoom_3” “zoom_3_df”
“zoom_3_fake_aoi” “zoom_3_hillshade_df” “zoom_3_plot”
## Map 7
## Map 8 ###Current planet image Initially, we will use pre-packaged downloaded images from Planet. 4- or 8-channel imagery will maps directly to the RGB- and NDVI- portions of the lesson (Episodes 5 and 12)
## Map 11 ### Re-projecting rasters Episode 3s and 11 is where this happens in the lesson. 3 is re-projecting 11 is cropping to a vector There is a purposeful mis-match in the lesson between the hillshades and the elevations. What should be our equivelent? We have already encountered projection mis-matches in any number of maps before here.but should we make one up? Ep 3: Project to overlay Planet raster under / over the campus hillshade? Ep 11: Crop as we do in Map 4-5-6?
campus_crs: the native CRS of campus_DEM
## Map 12 aligns with Episode 12
### Object list
find another one with NA’s if this one doesn’t have any
POINTS NCOS Planted Trees??? AGO:
trees_sf <- vect(“source_data/trees/DTK_012116.shp”) plot(trees_sf)
Global vectors for insets NED raster kelp shapefile? I think we are using California Populated Places for this.
NCOS photo points? might have to backwards engineer a csv for this lesson.