Working with columns and sorting


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How do I move, rename or remove columns in OpenRefine?

  • How do I sort data in OpenRefine?

  • Explain how to reorder, rename and remove columns

  • Explain how to sort data in columns

Reordering & Renaming columns

You can re-order, delete, rename and move columns to the end, beginning left or right by clicking the drop-down menu, and choosing Edit columns

You can rename a column by opening the drop-down menu at the top of the column that you would like to rename, and choosing ‘Edit column’ > ‘Rename this column’. You will then be prompted to enter the new column name.

Sorting data

You can sort data in OpenRefine by clicking on the drop-down menu for the column you want to sort on, and choosing Sort.

Once you have sorted the data, a new Sort drop-down menu will be displayed.

Unlike in Excel, ‘Sorts’ in OpenRefine are temporary - that is, if you remove the Sort, the data will go back to its original ‘unordered’ state. The ‘Sort’ drop-down menu lets you amend the existing sort (e.g., reverse the sort order), remove existing sorts, and/or make sorts permanent.

Global editing (all columns)

You may choose to perform transformations and edits in all columns at once for a faster clean-up by clicking the menu in the very first column of the dataset ALL. If you choose so, your chances will be apllied across all columns. If you are willing to remove a few columns and reorganize them, you should consider this feature to have a global view of the dataset.

Organizing for more cleanup (DOAJ_big)

Let’s get rid of some columns we don’t need. This will help us work a little faster.

We will only keep 14 columns to this dataset. Aim for this order:

  • Journal title
  • Alternative title
  • Keywords
  • Subjects
  • Publisher
  • Society or Institution
  • Added on Date
  • Country of Publisher
  • APC amount
  • Currency
  • Digital Archiving
  • Most Recent Article Added
  • Permanent Articles Identifiers
  • Journal license


Instead of using the edit columns menu one by one. Select ALL in the first column, then, Edit columns > Reorder/remove columns.... Drag the ones you would like to remove to the right pane and re-order the ones you would like to keep.

Key Points

  • You can reorder, rename and remove columns in OpenRefine

  • Sorting in OpenRefine always sorts all rows

  • The original order of rows in OpenRefine is maintained during a sort until you use the option to Reorder Rows Permanently