Selecting Data


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How can I get data from a database?

  • Explain the difference between a table, a record, and a field.

  • Explain the difference between a database and a database manager.

  • Write a query to select all values for specific fields from a single table.

Open the ocean survey in DB Browser for SQLite

DB Browser for SQLite

You should see a DB Schema tab in the interface

Play with those arrows. What kinds of information do you think this is? How might the different tables relate to each other?

What types of information are stored in each table?

CREATE TABLE Person (id text, personal text, family text);
CREATE TABLE Site (name text, lat real, long real);
CREATE TABLE Survey (taken integer, person text, quant text, reading real);
CREATE TABLE Visited (id integer, site text, dated text);

We can see that the table Person has three columns: * id with type text * personal with type text

  • family with type text

Note: The available data types vary based on the database manager - you can search online for what data types are supported.

You can change some settings to make the output easier to read.

For now, let’s write an SQL query that displays scientists’ names. We do this using the SQL command SELECT, giving it the names of the columns we want and the table we want them from. We are going to by typing these SQL statements into the ‘Execute SQL’ pane of our DB Browser.

Our query and its output look like this:

SELECT family, personal FROM Person;
family personal
Dyer William
Pabodie Frank
Lake Anderson
Roerich Valentina
Danforth Frank

The semicolon at the end of the query tells the database manager that the query is complete and ready to run. We have written our commands in upper case and the names for the table and columns in lower case, but we don’t have to: as the example below shows, SQL is case insensitive.

SeLeCt FaMiLy, PeRsOnAl FrOm PeRsOn;
family personal
Dyer William
Pabodie Frank
Lake Anderson
Roerich Valentina
Danforth Frank

You can use SQL’s case insensitivity to your advantage. For instance, some people choose to write SQL keywords (such as SELECT and FROM) in capital letters and field and table names in lower case. This can make it easier to locate parts of an SQL statement. For instance, you can scan the statement, quickly locate the prominent FROM keyword and know the table name follows. Whatever casing convention you choose, please be consistent: complex queries are hard enough to read without the extra cognitive load of random capitalization. One convention is to use UPPER CASE for SQL statements, to distinguish them from tables and column names. This is the convention that we will use for this lesson.

While we are on the topic of SQL’s syntax, one aspect of SQL’s syntax that can frustrate novices and experts alike is forgetting to finish a command with ; (semicolon). When you press enter for a command without adding the ; to the end, it can look something like this:


This is SQL’s prompt, where it is waiting for additional commands or for a ; to let SQL know to finish. This is easy to fix! Just type ; and press enter!

Now, going back to our query, it’s important to understand that the rows and columns in a database table aren’t actually stored in any particular order. They will always be displayed in some order, but we can control that in various ways. For example, we could swap the columns in the output by writing our query as:

SELECT personal, family FROM Person;
personal family
William Dyer
Frank Pabodie
Anderson Lake
Valentina Roerich
Frank Danforth

or even repeat columns:

SELECT id, id, id FROM Person;
id id id
dyer dyer dyer
pb pb pb
lake lake lake
roe roe roe
danforth danforth danforth

As a shortcut, we can select all of the columns in a table using *:

id personal family
dyer William Dyer
pb Frank Pabodie
lake Anderson Lake
roe Valentina Roerich
danforth Frank Danforth

Selecting Site Names

Write a query that selects only the name column from the Site table.


SELECT name FROM Site;

Query Style

Many people format queries as:

SELECT personal, family FROM person;

or as:

select Personal, Family from PERSON;

What style do you find easiest to read, and why?

Key Points

  • A relational database stores information in tables, each of which has a fixed set of columns and a variable number of records.

  • A database manager is a program that manipulates information stored in a database.

  • We write queries in a specialized language called SQL to extract information from databases.

  • Use SELECT… FROM… to get values from a database table.

  • SQL is case-insensitive (but data is case-sensitive).