Summer 2019 Python Thursdays - UCSB Software Carpentry

Review Weeks 1-5

Notebook from the lesson

Lesson Questions
Variables and Assignment How can I store data in programs?
Data Types and Type Conversion What kinds of data do programs store? How can I convert one type to another?
Built-in Functions and Help How can I use built-in functions?
How can I find out what they do?
What kind of errors can occur in programs?
Libraries How can I use software that other people have written?
How can I find out what that software does?
Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames How can I read tabular data?
Pandas DataFrames How can I do statistical analysis of tabular data?
Plotting How can I plot my data? How can I save my plot for publishing?
Lists How can I store multiple values?

Challenge: parse a dataset
